Sigmanaut Meeting: January 29, 2023

VOTING PROCEDURES It has been brought up many times that voting randomly is difficult to keep track of and remember to take part in. Proposal to move voting to once a month. qx() will modify the voting system to work as follows: -All new vote submissions will immediately post to the vote channel so that they can be voted on at any point in time. -One week before VOTE DAY the submission page will lock and display a notice noting such. [Read More]

Sigmanaut Meeting: January 22, 2023

WELCOME NEW SIGMANAUTS & SIGCANS rustinmyeye, kill_it_with_coffee, cheese RECAP OF RECENT SIGMANAUT ACCOMPLISHMENTS SigmaVote app for sigmanaut voting and proposals Twitter account (tweetdeck) distributed among a few members to allow for tweeting Twitter account on qx()’s phone so that it can join and host spaces, which is currently being organized for our first space soon. Ambassador stewardship by Noah and Cran to be mindful of outreach and interactions from like minded chains/projects. [Read More]

Sigmanaut Meeting: January 15, 2023

VOTING PARTICIPATION Chris furthered the discussion from last week about EF members voting on proposals as well as the agreed upon sigcan/sigmanaut member voting. qx() volunteered to write a voting proposal that would not just cover this, but all large and influential groups that could come into the ecosystem. For example, broad language to allow sigmanauts to voting power as long as they adhere to the sigmanauts mission. The vote should be up soon. [Read More]

Sigmanaut Meeting: January 8, 2023

DEXY LOGO VOTE Pushing the Dexy vote to early March. Campaign to end of January, logo contest in early February is a good place to start. Two weeks for the logo contest. Ergcube for vote. Sigmanauts take on promotion and vote. Teach new users about DexyGold (no RSV). VOTING RIGHTS OF EF MEMBERS The EF should be able to vote on candidates for sigcans and sigmanauts. Perhaps add that to next month’s meeting about going into the weeds about what they can vote on or not reguarding proposals. [Read More]