Grayman: Cool. Well, it’s after 11, so hopefully people will join. Let me grab this meeting agenda. See what is up. I I reached out. I don’t know if it’s on the agenda, but I had mentioned that the folks Edinburgh University.
Marc The Shark: Okay.
Grayman: Have a the Edi. The Edinburgh Decentralization Index.
Marc The Shark: Okay.
Grayman: So I’ve yeah, I went and and sort of read their web page and went to the contact section and sent something off to their to the sort of, I guess department heads secretary, and wasn’t sure whether I’d hear anything back. But I actually heard back from one of the researchers there, and they pointed me to a blog post that they had made earlier about how to get your chain listed on their site. And here let me throw a throw a link into the chat about it.
Marc The Shark: Oh, yeah, I see that they got input output. I guess they’re working with.
Grayman: Yeah, so, and it’s and I’ve been reading their making my way through their 14 page, you know, scholarly article and trying my best to sort of follow along and follow a couple of the the citations. But They they sent something back with this link to a blog post, which I’ll I’ll copy here in a second. And I replied to them and said, Hey, you know we’d probably be interested in doing this. They’d need to run a node, and they apparently intend to do that on some cloud infrastructure.
Marc The Shark: Cool.
Grayman: The. And so there’d be some costs associated with that. And I’m like, well, just tell me the cost. I feel like there’d be no problem. You know, it’s hooking you up with somebody that could help implement this and if it’s just, you know, you know. a few, 1020 bucks a month for hosting a a node. You know, that’s probably more than it should be, but.
Marc The Shark: Right.
Grayman: I’m sure that we could probably rust, rustle up that money if we could get listed on the website as one of the block, you know, along with Ada and or Cardano, and Ethereum and Bitcoin and Tezos, or whatever else they’ve had a look at that. That would be good to do all right. Let me find that link.
Marc The Shark: Yeah. Always good to partner with people, for sure. Absolutely.
Hq3r: I think I think you can run a ago, node full index node on flux now. But they will be providing running algorithms. So maybe we can use that service so they don’t have to run any node. They can just run it on Flex.
Grayman: That’s a good idea. Let’s shoot all right.
Marc The Shark: Oh, interesting! They have like a whole dashboard and stuff.
Grayman: Yeah. So the I was copied, or the the head of their department was copied on this email that was sent by this. I guess, probably grad student to me. And it’s this. this blog post. But here, here is what they’ve got, you know, going on how they’re kind of saying, hey? Reach out to us and and we’ll help you out. They they seem to favor blockchains that are like ergo, that are open source, and, you know. sort of adhere to the actual principles of of the industry rather than some meme coin on on Solana. So.
Marc The Shark: Nice. I think it’d probably be worth it if we could make that happen to because then, even if nobody goes, it’s not really a good source of advertising.
Grayman: But even if nobody goes there and finds out about ergo, from that site, we can always point to it as a place of legitimacy to establish our credentials with new users or investors. Right.
Marc The Shark: Yeah.
Grayman: They’re like, well, tell me about the Tokenomics, or somebody was saying this recently in the in the general chat. And they, you know they had some like questions. How? How can you prove that and whatnot? You can? Right? I mean, you’re like, you can talk them through it. You can show them various links on ergo, and all this other stuff. But if we could point to this sort of 3rd party, non-biased university, based. You know, site that says, Hey, we they walk the walk. That would be a good thing. Job. Yeah.
Marc The Shark: That’s why.
Grayman: Had an auto reply from the head of the department’s email saying that he wouldn’t be back until after Thanksgiving, which is interesting. I guess it’s just a coincidence. I don’t know if they celebrate Thanksgiving in Scotland, but
Marc The Shark: True.
Grayman: Oh, so But I I told them that if they could just give me an idea of what the what the costs are to host a node that we would. I put it up for a vote on our dow.
Marc The Shark: Yeah.
Grayman: And that we would, you know, hook them up with whoever they need to help implement, and and, you know, get it up on their site. So.
Marc The Shark: Yeah. Did you see? Sorry. Did you see some of their dashboards that they have where they’re kind of measuring.
Grayman: Yes, that’s what I started, and that’s what the the paper. If you download their research paper, I’ve been working my way through that, and it’s kind of explaining their methodology, I think I mean, I will say this. I think it’s excellent. Many times I’ve taken a stab at trying to write a sort of gray man style article on decentralization, both in governance and in economics, and how they how they tie to each other. And then I’m reading through this article that they wrote, and it’s I mean, I see why, it’s 15 pages, but you know it’s it. They’re very thorough and and very I think it’s very well thought out. So. Now, of course, Cardano tends to do very well in their metrics, which is going to be what somebody would probably point to, and with some degree of skepticism, considering that this is was paid for. Apparently the research was paid for by Iohk. So you know, draw whatever conclusions you’d like. But if you if you read through it, if you look at what they’re doing, I think it’s I think it’s a pretty comprehensive and thorough way to think about decentralization and to measure it. You know, apples to apples measurements across blockchains. So.
Marc The Shark: Absolutely. Yeah. Cause then it’s just like. you know, we can say all this stuff right? But like, if we actually have, like, you know all like like, you know, you’re saying these index coefficients and measurable. And it’s like, Hey, this is what that is. This is what this is. You know we’re good here, but we’re not there. But these are sort of the trade offs sort of we’re taking for our protocol consensus consensus mechanisms, etc. You know, it kind of helps. I like to think of like data as sort of a a sponge sort of thing, or just like then into like a or even clay, and you can just stretch it. However, what which way? And then you with that stretching, and how you’re looking at it. This is a great way to be able to do that for ergo and kind of show, you know, either potential pitfalls comparatively to other things, or and vice versa. that would be. That would be really cool to show, because they have a lot of I’m looking at it now. They have a lot of different metrics that they’re measuring against. And they’ve got the Gini coefficient for tokenomics
Grayman: Got, you know, a different metrics for block production versus the node stratification. They measure everything against geographic stratification. So I’m curious how ergo is going to perform in some of this? I bet you it would be, you know, more similar to Cardano than those other blockchains. But we’re way smaller, right? So we could suffer because of that. I sent them in my reply, asking for, you know, sort of costs. And and how do we take the next step. I sent them a link to ergo, dot watch and point out that they could get the Api in the bottom right corner and and and poke around all they want with that to see if they they would agree that we’re a good fit. and so we’ll see what they have to say next step. I would expect a response sometime after Thanksgiving from this departmental dude, and and get some idea of what the cost would be, and then I’ll throw up a proposal on the Dow. By then it should have transitioned over. Hey, cannon.
Marc The Shark: Yeah.
Grayman: You’re awesome. And yeah, so there’s that.
Marc The Shark: Oh, yeah, yeah. Good find. Good fine for sure. I’m excited that that’ll be really cool to see how we compare.
Grayman: Yeah, I bet favorably, I bet in some ways we actually beat Cardano.
Marc The Shark: No! Totally.
Grayman: But I think that our small size might also be a bit of an issue. There.
Marc The Shark: They could probably simulate if we had like more users, because I’m looking at some of their code right now, and they’re simulating stakers. So I would imagine we could probably simulate or ask them to simulate things like that.
Grayman: I hope you.
Marc The Shark: And they have a reward. Sharing simulation engine. They made pretty cool.
Grayman: The other thing I’ve been working on sort of slowly in the background is trying to come up with a sort of a rewrite of some of the stuff on the website and sort of have a maybe more of a a collection point of links to send people off for Sig’s business. It, you know there’s a there’s a conflict on that site it’s designed to be. I mean, I don’t know if it’s a conflict or not, but it it’s for the Sigs. But it’s also extremely public. In fact, anybody can just go start suggesting edits to it. which is great. So like, there’s links to transcripts of of these talks and podcasts and whatnot. And we want people. We don’t want to be a secret society here. So that’s that’s all good. But at the same time that creates a conflict between providing overwhelming information to somebody that’s considering becoming a sig and and still being a good place for sigs to gather and use as sort of a launching point to reach other stuff. And so I kind of I do like the fact that the front page of it is just a very simple, very clean. Here’s who we are. Here’s what we do. And here’s how you can join but we we need. I don’t know if you looked at.
Marc The Shark: Cool.
Grayman: I guess it was super geometry that that work was working on a different version of the site which I I really liked, and looked a lot more modern and and maybe more capable of of of serving as kind of a central point of focus rather than a a point of trying to recruit people. so I don’t mind everything being out in the open like I said, we’re not trying to hide anything but you. If you overwhelm people with information. then that can create it. So I don’t think that we necessarily need to have a login to the site that then gives you another level of access. I don’t know that we necessarily need to go in that direction, but I think it should be a little bit more useful to existing Sigs. because otherwise it’s never gonna change. Right? We might as well just make a static website with a signpost saying, Go to our discord. It’s gonna be.
Marc The Shark: Right, yeah.
Grayman: Like. So if if it’s actually gonna serve some purpose other than just saying who we are and what we do, then it’d be nice if we, if we made that happen. It already does some of that. But, for example, it doesn’t even link to the Dow right.
Marc The Shark: Oh, shit.
Grayman: And and so I would also consider updating some of the social links, maybe across all the Sigs platforms and ergo platforms to include like social links to blue sky. Maybe ditch the Rss. Because nobody but cafe gives a shit about text based Internet anymore. And and you know, hey, Jermaine, good morning. So.
Jumei: Good morning!
Grayman: Those are the 2 things I’ve been working on.
Marc The Shark: Okay. Nice.
Hq3r: I think Jemai can help us with the front end. He’s trying to do cup of sugar front end for maybe 2 2 months now he sends me every day something new, and he’s like, I’m launching it. I’m like, Okay, I’m waiting from past 2 months just fucking. Launch it already.
Jumei: I actually might, even though I’ve like done nothing.
Grayman: But since I have a think about.
Jumei: This.
Grayman: Coming in and out, and we lost you.
Jumei: Oh!
Marc The Shark: Very good.
Grayman: He’s he’s probably in his car. Oh, alright, anyway, let’s have a look at this meeting. Agenda. Any new Sig cans brewski? 9,000 cool. Yeah, I argued with that guy about the nature of mathematics.
Marc The Shark: Oh, nice!
Grayman: I think he’s a Brit. Seems like a pretty cool, dude. Hi, Vitz, yeah, didn’t they all pass? I haven’t checked, but.
Marc The Shark: I think so.
Grayman: Yeah. So now it’s just waiting for them to did it actually pass and and distribute the money. And then I guess Louvatra said that he was. Gonna go ahead and move all of the old data just automatically migrated for us, so that we don’t have to worry about that which is nice.
Marc The Shark: Sweet.
Grayman: So mining pool! How is that all coming.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, we’re we’re rocking and rolling. We had had a minor rent, some hash for us. We got up to like 400, 4 or 5 was top 5. That was nice. People are like, oh, it’s a quick pump and dump, and I was like, Well, I don’t think it’s like meant to be that just trying to get some marketing or whatever to the pool definitely. Whoever did it lost some money, probably renting all those. because I think we found like 2 or 3 blocks. But it was good good from a you know, use case perspective, because I think we needed to increase our difficulty. So in the on the fly I had to create a new port. So we have a new port now for above a hundred giga hash to that has the the effective difficulty within the pool. so yeah, so that’s good. Aside from that, we’re basically 99% done with the the ef proposal. And then I’ve been working with Ken. And so sort of sort of a game plan of what we need to do sort of, you know, fix existing code, and then kind of move forward with what we have kind of on the on the roadmap. So 1st things 1st is I’m gonna fix the dashboard and then from there I’m gonna enter turn on the swaps because I don’t wanna turn on swaps in the dashboard. It’s kind of wonky. So it’s really a back end sort of mechanism that I that needs to be fixed. and then let’s see, I’ve just been kind of a part of the Ef proposal. I said I would start making more educational type videos. So last Friday I made like a 2 h live stream had like 200 people on there at the end of it. I was like, Oh, this is sick, just hanging out. Talked about a bunch of different stuff from the airdrop tool that we started on Monday to then. So basically took a week, and then made this airdrop tool and then talked about kind of how we were talking about Grayman. How like, you know, what would somebody need to know in terms of like to get set for mining like, how do you sort of like run the numbers? That sort of thing? So I sort of took a stab at that, just like kind of in the moment, for some reason, just decided to do that. And then talked about the bonus on chain bonus stuff, so be able to facilitate. So instead of and kind of like the the pros and cons versus like the Sigs running the bonuses, or it being on chain and kind of talked about that. But yeah, that was. And then I’m not sure what the current stats are. But then it was like 200 something people. So probably gonna start to do that weekly, some type of live stream where I’m coding or just talking about stuff. and then cannon brought up a really good idea. We should put that on twitch. and maybe that’ll be another way to sort of get people into the ecosystem rather than just Twitter. Because I think a lot of people. or even tick tock. I guess I don’t know if you can. You live stream on Tiktok. I don’t know.
Hq3r: If you have more than 1,000 followers, then. Yeah, but I don’t think there are any tooling. Tooling will let you do a phone same one on different. So you will have to use another mobile at least.
Marc The Shark: Okay, cool. So I, we can start to take a look at that. Maybe build the following ergo platform can have it. And then I can like. Take it over whatever we want to do, I suppose? And then let’s see, looking at.
Grayman: So the the general hash rate has also been increasing. I mean, I’m a minor, but I’m a pretty lazy miner.
Marc The Shark: But.
Grayman: I think she made a so I haven’t really been following all this stuff as closely as I need to. I’m just like it’s gonna settle into like a a groove at some point. And then I’m gonna read all the stuff and do it.
Marc The Shark: But a lot of new people.
Grayman: If you got 200 people who are who are paying attention to this, that’s a lot of people that are not typically engaged in.
Marc The Shark: Discord? Or what have you.
Grayman: Hopefully. Those are new people right jumping in and and.
Marc The Shark: Right.
Grayman: Interested, most likely because of the price action. What? It’s like 300.
Marc The Shark: Brazil.
Grayman: And then.
Marc The Shark: Yeah.
Grayman: Weeks, or something like that.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, it’s like the most profitable coin right now. So you know. And as we keep going up, it’s gonna easily continue to do so, but of course the difficulty will start to come down. But or rather come up. But yeah, that that’s awesome. Yeah, it looks like right. Now. We have 1765 people at least have viewed it. I don’t know if they’ve watched. Obviously the whole thing, but.
Grayman: That’s awesome. So she made some comment in the general chat recently about the
Marc The Shark: The sort of untapped power of miners.
Grayman: Right been, you know, in this Ghetto ever since the the merge. Right? Just all kind of like.
Marc The Shark: Right.
Grayman: What do we do now? I guess I’m gonna like a lot of them. Just turn it all off and.
Marc The Shark: Right.
Grayman: Winter they use it as a tool to heat their home, and just hoping against hope that eventually the market would recover.
Marc The Shark: And here it is. The market’s recovering right.
Grayman: Suddenly. You know it’s been what, how long since the merge year and a half, 2 years.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, something like that.
Grayman: So probably a lot of those hardcore miners have just moved on with their life right.
Marc The Shark: Yeah.
Grayman: I have to assume, and probably a lot of the new Gpus in the last couple of years. and perhaps some of the older ones have been turned into AI
Marc The Shark: Yeah.
Grayman: Are being sweated on that. So now that the market’s sort of coming back. it’d be very interesting to see that hash rate rising up, and us being the the only pool so far that’s offering storage rent rewards. Could easily get us to the point where you don’t have to rent hash rate to, you know. Climb up. and that would be awesome right.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, absolutely. And that whole thing. I think we got right 3 more miners now. So we were hanging around around 80. Now we have 94. So we definitely got some more people brought on, and and even some second lucky time mining. He was kind of thinking along the same lines of what you’re saying, where you know. It’s probably people that have rigs. They just have them left off for a while, you know, and it’s like, oh, wow! Now, ergo is profitable. Let me go ahead and mine that. And so they stopped mining. Whatever these other coins are now, they’re solely just mining our coin.
Hq3r: Yeah, I think I think one of those 3 will be will be short, maybe son of a tech you have, you guys have to understand that if we like it, if we like him or not like him. he’s the one who is going to bring miners to us.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, yeah, I think that’s great.
Hq3r: Yeah. Another thing which we are missing from the 6 Pool is that we? How is the proposal going for the Php relaunch which we are doing on New fund. So I think we are this. It’s it’s something beautiful that you find something which is like, let’s call it ancient on chain which was minted time ago, and we have recovered it, and we’re going to launch it. And we’re giving utility, and we are giving utility to something which didn’t have any ability. So I think that.
Marc The Shark: That’s great. Yeah.
Hq3r: Yeah.
Grayman: Things are going well.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, we have 4 days left. So thank you.
Hq3r: The things are going, the things are going well, but what I don’t understand is, where are the 6? Because even after pump we are only 5 people here.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don’t know. Man, that is You know, we’re doing our doing our best out here. Right? Gotta we’re grinding out here grinding. I guess I don’t know.
Grayman: Yeah.
Hq3r: Yeah. But sometimes I think that I’m just trying to. I don’t mind spoon feeding people, but sometimes I just try to just think that I’m converting into something which I’m not because I had to do all this pumpering and holding nothing to show people that you can launch something. You can stake it, and you can get rewards from it from the tooling which is which already exists. So I’m not comfortable doing all this because it is not what my. what I I should follow or not follow, because there will be things in this which will drug people, and there will be people who will make benefit, and we will win stuff from it. Most of the people have made profit, all of them. Almost. So I think we created how much maybe 5 k. Volume on decks. We created around 350, 400 Tx. Each day for every event. So these are the things which matter. So imagine. Imagine if there are 5 campaigns running. there are 5 different tokens. So then, we are talking about something which can be done in ergo, and this is how it is best at ergo me and echo we realized. One thing about ergo is that echo is even better than Cardano when it is supposed to be something like storing data. because you can store data easily on our go. And it is cheap. So I think staking staking is very way way. Better on airpower than than Cardano.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, I mean, I don’t know. I think from the 6 perspective, right? I mean, it’s just like time. you know, trying to find the time, and it’s like, I don’t know if you’re super passionate about it, you know. Maybe people are. They’re just busy. I guess I don’t. I don’t know. that’s kind of. But maybe as we get things get moving but I’ll have not to switch subjects, but just something, so I don’t forget I’m looking to make something. But I’m with a Dex Hq. How can I grab, or is there in a dex? Maybe your decks that’s on testnet. Is there a test net dex.
Hq3r: No, there is no test next, and we so let me tell you one thing, what happened this this yesterday. No past yesterday, so we, me and Echo built the building which we are not using a Dex code, we build it from 0, and we had to put 3 token as as outputs right? So we misarranged and put the Lp token at the 3, rd when it’s supposed to be at the second. So we lost 60 to work, and the Lp token. and we build lp, and now we cannot just get get it out. There is no way of fixing stuff on. Ergo, when you fuck it up because it is already in the smart contract.
Marc The Shark: Right.
Hq3r: So there is no test net for Dex. So even what you are trying to do to trying to achieve just do it with tokens and do small amounts of erg right? Thank God, we have. We have treasury and treasury, and we used it, and we we have money to to cover it. But another thing I want from you is the mining core, Apis. If you could provide me because I would like to to build the more more in global pool landing. Page, I would say, would like to include some community projects. What do they do? What you can find on? Ergo, where you can where you can use the tokens you get as bonus where you can swap, swap them and and love that. Yeah, because it’s the entry barrier for the people who are for the miners, because Miner is coming to you after mining. If there is simple page where it is just showing you you are making this money, and you’re receiving that money. This is a block, and this is that. But I think if you put some stuff there that you can invest in this. This is already. This is also on Erica, and you can do this, and we do that. We will be bringing more users. And from the minor community, and we are just educating them. I think that should be. That would be nice to have.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, I just sent you the IP that it’s at.
Grayman: No test net. Fuck it, we do it live.
Marc The Shark: Well, we need to test that cause. So Tim Erg was sending me some stuff with cushti, sending artificial economic intelligence, and like I was looking through that. And you had some ideas, Grayman, to that and it’s definitely a really, really good idea. And that’s more of what I anyways, it’s really good idea. But from a you need to make a. you need to be able to grab the data and so obviously grabbing an on-chain main net sounds great. But then, if you’re using like real ergs, like kind of Hq. Was saying. you could potentially fuck up and lose a lot of money on accident, or something like that. So having like a dex on testnet that have like reinforcement learning agents, for example, kind of interacting with staking, unstaking, buying, swapping. There’s like a use case to where, then, I could build reinforcement learning algorithms to then go and do that. But without sort of the proper sort of tools within the ecosystem that like mimics the main net and like it, gets doable. But then I have to use like synthetic data. Then there’s certain edge cases that we need to look out for and like the idea with reinforcement learning like, if you don’t train it on like, if there’s like a edge case that it’s not trained on. Then it’s gonna fail, probably miserably on that edge case. And you know, and if we’re trying to deploy, I guess if I’m trying to deploy reinforcement learning algorithms on that and kind of act as users, then, you know, kind of create more transactions and incentivize them to do that. Want to make sure, like the ergs are safe, I guess. And so and you can do that programmatically for sure. But I definitely think there’s there would. There is more of a general use case to have more things built on test that, and have, like active test net type activity happening.
Hq3r: I think if you’re talking about decks you can. Just, I think you can grab the the smart contract put in in the in the script compiler, and there is option for testnet. So you will compile the smart contracts in testnet. You can maybe change in the code where it says mainnet. And maybe yeah, and change the the smart contract address. You just paste that. And you are basically just testing it on testnet. but not sure how how it, how you could convert it from Mainnet to testnet the Ui wise. because you will be loading from. I think you just have to change the selector from the from the wallet, because you have to just select it like mainnet or testnet. I’ve worked. I’ve not worked on testnet, so I don’t want to know I am not that new. So who does that stuff on Testnet.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, I’ve done some stuff. You gotta. It’s yeah. There’s like, the main net mainnet or testnet is our argument. And then the Api explorer to use as well. But I mean otherwise it’s just you gotta scrape the chain, and that, and that’s fine, right? But but in any case.
Grayman: The end goal of this thing to have an AI bot. That’s that’s trading, and you can throw up money and and let it manage a portfolio for you sort of like a a clever version of Hummingbot. Is that what we’re going for.
Marc The Shark: really give it the ability to do whatever it wants right like I could give it, you know, I could give it access to new finance and be like, Hey, make a meme coin post on Twitter, you know. Do like that’s like that’s definitely a lot of layers to it. But you know, the idea is like, what are the what is the action space? It can do. And so the way, okay, do you want to buy or sell or hold? Do I want to add stuff to liquidity? Do I want to access and like duck pools? And so I was like an idea. Well, oh, that’d be cool to do with duck pools. But duck pools probably isn’t on testnet. So it’s like all these different sort of things. Because I kind of going back to Kushi’s idea. It’s like, Yeah, you don’t really know, like, if it’s an actual person, or if it’s like a bot and it would be pretty it’s easy to to put it together like open AI has what’s called Jim gymnasium. I think it’s called now, and basically what you need. And they have off the shelf reinforcement learning algorithms. But in order for them to work properly. they need to be trained on massive amounts of data. And what would likely happen is you would need to use what’s called an evolutionary algorithm because they can approximate compared to find exact solutions. And so if we can approximate, we can converge to a solution a lot faster than, say, a general reinforcement learning algorithm. And that’s probably the approach, I guess because of the lack of data, because I mean, I would might need to again scrape and then create a bunch of synthetic stuff. But yeah. Essentially, act as any type of user, you know. Even give it access to humming bot. I don’t need to remake the wheel here, you know. Give it.
Hq3r: I think I think there you don’t. We have the the grid board which you are running. I think. Wouldn’t it make sense to maybe integrate a little bit of AI to it and have set up minimum requirements. And you can you already have the the code there? So you just have to to feed in the AI to just decide where to, when to buy and when to sell.
Marc The Shark: Right.
Hq3r: I think that would be much, much easier for you.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m just thinking about globally, like, if all right, cool. Once the grid bought.
Hq3r: That globally, globally will be fucked up if you ask me, because this is not not an easy task. Yeah.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, no, absolutely. Yeah. I’m realizing from a but like, imagine, though, if we had that sort of capability, it would be pretty easy then for easy to to do, but in any case, that that would be.
Hq3r: Yeah, I think I, yeah. But I think what you were trying to say is that you? You need a AI bot who knows how to build Tx to perform certain times types of things. So if if AI sees that there is a there is a for example, if in chats there is one word which is, people are using a lot. So AI Bot is in the chat. It sees that name and it can build. It can mint a token. and it can be the lp. For it.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, yeah.
Hq3r: Yeah, exactly so for that, for that I think you will need. You will need to create the sample Tx files.
Marc The Shark: And have them in a folder, and then sort everything by types. And if AI.
Hq3r: Sees something which match it will just run that with the the the data we just grabs from the chats.
Marc The Shark: Yeah.
Hq3r: So I think I think that that would be the the thing, but not. I’m not sure if we can do it in decentralized way, because you have to understand that we are in evolution and everything changes. So maybe Lp, building is today is like this, but tomorrow it won’t. It will be different. So you have to keep changing the code, and you have to keep.
Marc The Shark: Training it. Yeah, totally. Yeah. That’ll that’ll be something. But yeah, super but I think from the grid grid bot, that’s definitely that’s where I’m looking at to 1st for use case like, is this, gonna be even feasible? But like, for example, I like, they probably need to run like hundreds of thousands of times, millions of times in terms of training, scenarios and things like that. So which is, it’s doable. But then, if I have to use. Mainnet, you know. One step, you know, is like one trade, or like one day. That’s obviously extremely slow. But of course we can. I can, I’ll I’ll just scrape, I guess. All the different trades.
Grayman: Assuming. assuming that if it is deployed on Mainnet, you’re not going to start out by feeding it a hundred 1,000 er right.
Marc The Shark: Right? Right? It’ll start out with a relatively small yeah, like 10 urgish or something.
Grayman: Cash. Right? Yeah. And so those types of trades would not have any impact on the market unless it’s the market for a very, unless you’re talking about like Donald Duck, a hundred X which I’m trying to market on slowly.
Hq3r: I have a dev question for Mark. So let’s say that we are in echo pad chat. and someone says I’ll go. Pat is that. and ergo, pad is not dead. What would your bot do? He will make a trade and dump the ergo pad, or what he will be doing.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, it depends on what the reward mechanism is, so you can like you could reward you could reward it in the way such that it’s like how we want, like our reward mechanism right here is, it’s like, well, we want to bolster up the community, or you could make it reward and just be like dog eat dog, and I’m going to make as much money as possible. So like there’s different reward incentives that I could give an agent for an action. So the idea is, you have all these different action spaces that it can do. and then based off the action is an observation, and then the outcome of the action will have a reward. And then, based upon that observation, we can reward it accordingly. And so then it’s either a positive reward, a negative reward, a scalable reward. So, for example, if a 10 x is something, then yeah, I want to give it a lot of points, but if it 10 x’s, and then it dumps the coin and hurts the community, maybe I’m going to get. I’m not actually going to reward it at all, because, you know, you just hurt the community, and that’s not what we’re trying to do. Or I could rewarded a lot. And you know, just, you know. So it depends on the rewarding mechanism inherently within the algorithm.
Grayman: What what I was trying to get at with. You’re you’re gonna have this thing when once it goes on Mainnet. It’s not going to be rich, to start at least.
Marc The Shark: Yeah.
Grayman: Is that you could, rather than worrying about like, could you get historical data from the chats and the markets and do back testing in order to trade it to train it. Because you’re gonna have a dearth of yeah, you need a big data set right? Or you could just, you know. Start it out, you know, with with training wheels, and just let it maintain a portfolio for itself. based on what it sees as things go along. you know, either, with just a few, erg, just to see see how it does and how it affects things.
Hq3r: You can try to be. You can try try to with our bot we have on spectrum. So it started with 4, and now it holds 8,495 work.
Marc The Shark: Oh, my! Gosh! That’s amazing!
Hq3r: And the fun part is when people, when people read it and they go like that was 0 point 1 profit. That was 0 point 0 1. i wouldn’t do that. But just see that someone is running that. and they have made 8,495 from it.
Grayman: That’s awesome.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, that’s huge. And then, like an idea, you know. So they like to gray Man’s point to where it’s like, Oh, hey! Now, we have 8,000 herbs in here. Well, let’s actually spawn new bots. you know. And then, next thing you know, you go from 8,000 to 800 bots. you know. They’re all doing their own thing, each with like 10 org or something like that. And then they’re all kind of working on it. Anyways. That’s something I.
Grayman: Personalities.
Marc The Shark: Yeah. Totally.
Grayman: You could have.
Hq3r: Yeah, you can. You can have Grayman board. You can have.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hq3r: Yeah, we can have a cafe board. He will just be buying cigar. Sv, I think.
Marc The Shark: Right? Right? But yeah, I I saw that. And this is like something I do for my my day job. And I was like. Oh, I would love to to be able to do something like that, and it’s it seems pretty feasible. Probably it’ll take some time to do. But going back to the mining stuff. That’ll obviously be the focus. So kind of to recap Hq. That would be great if you could help out with the dashboard. Would you.
Hq3r: Yeah, I’m going to look at the Apis, and then I will. I will decide. And apart of that, I think that I have a small project for you because I there is something which you wanted to build. So we now we have the visual block viewer, right? Elgo dot XYZ.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hq3r: Do you remember when you wanted to add sounds to Texas?
Marc The Shark: Do I add what I’m sorry.
Hq3r: You you some you want. A time ago you reached to me and you said that you wanted to build a audio visual. Yes, yes, yes, that would be cool. Do you think you can add that to the I think it is open source, right? The ego dot xyz.
Marc The Shark: Oh, yeah, I think so. Actually.
Hq3r: I think you have the visuals there, and then you can add the the audios to to it to it, and that would be nice.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, right? Yeah. And so the idea is, you know. So what do you think they’re like? From a revenue stream perspective? Could people. Would it make sense like someone could buy a guitar, nft a wind instrument, nft or whatever, and then, based upon that in their wallet, it makes different tones, and then aggregate nfts make different tones. And then you could just have that running in the background kind of just playing you some notes, or should that just be, you know, play some base sort of tones. And then, you know, obviously, I’m just I. I’m a kid in the candy store for all this stuff. So my brain’s just, or is that just too much? And let’s just get the.
Hq3r: No, I’m just I.
Marc The Shark: Basic.
Hq3r: No. What I thought is what I thought I thought was that you were trying to build some different noises for different type of Tx.
Marc The Shark: Yes.
Hq3r: Or different. Yeah. So I think if you are going for that, because you have to, one thing we can do actually, is that if there are blind people. if you have a differentiator voices for that, it is good for them to hear that this this kind of text just gotten.
Marc The Shark: Wow, yeah, that is.
Hq3r: This is happening.
Marc The Shark: Dude. Yeah.
Hq3r: So, yeah.
Marc The Shark: That’s a great idea.
Hq3r: So yeah, because in 5 years, when Grayman can’t hear us, everyone can’t see us anymore.
Marc The Shark: Absolutely the world’s gonna go blind. Now we’ll see. But no dude. That’s that’s okay. So yeah, I concern. And yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying. So like, you know. a specific block will have, like the note of C, but then another one could be like F sharp. But then the idea with the nfts could be like, you know, I’m I’m like a real guitar guy. So instead of saying C, like, you know, C, or d right or whatever you know, it would be like a stringed instrument like guitar ukulele, or, like, you know, a specific synth sound. And then, if you got the collection of them kind of, and then maybe and then you could almost turn the blockchain into your own like synth recorder kind of create your own music. And then people can mint those sections and dub anyways. But yeah, that’d be cool.
Hq3r: Yeah, that’s that would.
Grayman: That make a real difference. I mean, I remember way back to the days of when Max 1st appeared, and I was an Ibm PC. Guy, because my dad worked there. And I remember my friend got a Mac, and it had, you know, all these little system beeps that were not just a beep. It was like, what was it? The default tone was called Sosumi because Steve Jobs told the folks at Apple records that he was not going to change the name of his company, and they started getting angry at him. So he made a.
Marc The Shark: Assuming.
Grayman: Them sound so silly.
Marc The Shark: And then.
Grayman: And yeah, so like the entire thing. And then it just took over, especially among young people. But also, yeah, it just became I mean right now, ergo is very compared to other blockchains. It’s intimidating, I think, for a lot of people like compared to Solana would be the obvious example, right? Solana guy is like, Hey, I just go to this website. It’s really cool. And it’s all decentralized. And I bought a phone from these people. And it’s already set up with my nfts, and and I’m just like, Oh, God! This is the Mickey Mouse Club here. What the fuck is this? But at the same time you have to reach those people eventually. And if you, it’s good to maintain our our standards about, you know decentralization and and being good stewards of the essentials of blockchain. But, you know, having fun, gizmos, gadgets, sounds, etc. It ropes people in. It makes them feel good. It attaches an emotion to something that wouldn’t otherwise have that emotion and that emotion might be fear. Oh, is erg going to 0, or is it going to like you got to dispel all that shit and just put them in the mindset where they’re like. Fuck it. I just spent 10 bucks on erg who knows how it goes, but it made a funny sound. I’m never selling this shit, and then.
Marc The Shark: Oh, yeah. you’re just I stuck up bing, bing, bing, or whatever this is. So yeah, motion’s very important in all this stuff. And.
Hq3r: The idea I had this was was for because I was, I was not. I was. I don’t have time to do it, but I was trying to build a front end ui for for scraper. So if I have all the swaps and all the thing, all the staking and all the thing which is happening all the messages which are sending on telegram. So each each message has a different value. Each has different sound. So for those who cannot see all the time their mobile. They can actually listen to those. And it it’s it is telling them what is happening. So if there is Sig Usd. There will be maybe 3 peeps. Peep, beep! So someone is making Sig Usd. So there is trade on decks. It is a long beep, so there is a lot of things which can which could be done. But as for now, I don’t have that much time, because I have 10 extensions of new to implement it.
Grayman: Yeah, I always wanted a cha-ching sound whenever I’m into the block.
Marc The Shark: Right? Dude. Right? Yeah, I mean.
Hq3r: The funny thing is, we we actually wanted I I couldn’t let me and Jumiah I think it wasn’t. No, I think I don’t think Jumia was in that chat. So we wanted to add the the new voice, the new. Every time someone buys something on.
Grayman: Hey!
Hq3r: I even convinced Joe to to do the mew for me. But no.
Marc The Shark: That’s hilarious.
Grayman: Yeah.
Hq3r: Just imagine that you’re going to. You go and buy something, and it’s new, and you’re like, what the hell.
Grayman: I’m gonna tie it to that video of him going like.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, yeah. And then make that an nft that’s like, Oh, we’re only gonna make 10 of them. And then, you know, and then you have, like one of the 10 that is able to do that, that just.
Hq3r: Well, talking about nft. So Jumia, just answer me on this. Okay, so you you bought the nfts for 500. So I have changed the code, and now it looks at $500 price. So if one, I guess $500, so you will have to pay one for it. Are you? Are you happy with it, or you feel like rugged that you paid? Actually, you paid less because it was way cheaper at that time. So I’m not sure if.
Jumei: Yeah, I’m okay with it personally, but I might be different than most. Ergo, hold.
Grayman: Yeah, because.
Hq3r: That’s the thing I want.
Grayman: Because you’re American and most American ergo, holders would. I mean, I consider my erg way more precious than dollars. I lose at least 15%, you know, over the course of a few hours, as I’m trading from this to that to finally get more. Erg in my wallet. Somebody recently asked me why I don’t have any Sig Usd. I’m like, because I You know, I’ve got dollars. Man, I’m not. I’m not poor like getting the erg is tough. And and yeah, so.
Hq3r: Since when getting there is tough.
Grayman: What I mean.
Hq3r: Seeing the people since when getting stuff. Now with Rosenbridge, it’s not tough at all.
Grayman: So er gets tough for me, because I have accountants and bookkeepers, and my bookkeeper is my wife.
Hq3r: What then? Then? We don’t have to discuss this topic anymore.
Grayman: So so making so like, you know, every time that I make a purchase, it’s got to be a discussion. And I’m not just gonna go and and lay down, you know, 10 grand and
Hq3r: I think I think we should make your wife Dow.
Marc The Shark: My wife’s down. Yeah, that’s hilarious.
Hq3r: We should put all of our wives in the dow, and they can vote.
Marc The Shark: Yeah. Ergo, I mean, yeah. Ergo, wives, we need to make a thing for that. That’s hilarious. Ergo, wives dow so funny.
Grayman: Speaking of bookkeepers, what happened to Jake.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, he’s supposed to be here, he said. I was just talking to him on the phone on Friday or Thursday, he said. He’s got some information, but I don’t know.
Grayman: Oh, okay. Catch up next week.
Marc The Shark: Maybe he joined on the 1st one, and then nobody was there, I guess, but I don’t know.
Grayman: Probably he missed the memo. That the time changed is is what I’m guessing. So I don’t know. Actually, he responded. Oh, then I can make it.
Marc The Shark: Right? Okay, weird.
Grayman: Maybe something came out, whatever.
Marc The Shark: Weird, weird, weird.
Grayman: Anyway, anything else, guys.
Hq3r: Well, have you guys participated in mu fund any of you? I think you you made it.
Marc The Shark: I haven’t yet.
Hq3r: I need a feedback. I need a feedback, that how it felt and what could be better.
Marc The Shark: Okay.
Grayman: And I’ll do. I’ll do that this afternoon.
Hq3r: Now there are no, there are no campaigns right now, so I will. We will make one campaign for you, so you can test it.
Grayman: Okay, right to buy if you’re talking about Pomperino like I saw all that discussion. And then I was like, Oh, fuck it. Okay, I’ll go and try. So here’s my feedback. and my transaction got stuck, and then.
Hq3r: Did you? Where did you make your your trade? It was on mu finance or spectrum, because if it is spectrum you have to.
Grayman: It was on mute. It was on deck.
Hq3r: Yeah. So did you? Yeah, did you? Did you add some slippage to it?
Grayman: No, because I was buying a small amount, and the it said it would only slip it like one and a half percent, and it’s by default, 3% slippage. So I was like, All right, I’ll go ahead and buy this thing. And then, while I was doing that. there’s just like a 3 er or something like that. It was taking forever to complete the transaction. I was like, really so then I went and checked it again. I was like, Oh, fuck! I guess I’m glad that it took forever, because now the prices plunged so I cancelled the transaction which it allowed me to do without any problems. And I was gonna like, I’m gonna buy some more now. But then the price had shot back up again.
Hq3r: Don’t you understand? It’s Pomperino. It’s supposed to go up.
Grayman: So what I should have done is I should have slit set slippage like 30%.
Hq3r: Every time. Yeah, every time you see, there is a token launch, and there are more than 5% buying it. As we are doing this on smart contract page. So because there is smart contract has to decide that what exchange rate he’s going to give to to the to the user and how he’s going to give that exchange rate. So if there are 5 person who are submitting with the same slippage, and there is one person who is submitting it with more slippage, he will always give it to the person who submits with more.
Grayman: Okay.
Hq3r: Just don’t go and click the infinity button on it because you will send 100 again. You might get one Pompirino.
Marc The Shark: Oh, man. Yeah.
Grayman: Alright!
Hq3r: That’s that’s the thing people. And and another stupid thing which we which you guys can do is where don’t put exact numbers. Don’t put in 3 at 2.9 9 9 9.
Marc The Shark: Okay.
Hq3r: That helps too.
Marc The Shark: Sure, sure.
Hq3r: It’s good to know phone numbers. This is how smart contract works. So that’s that’s how you see a lot of the the our bot. It is not doing exact numbers. And actually, it’s just snapping. It’s direct swaps. It’s not even using Dex. So yeah.
Marc The Shark: Interesting.
Hq3r: Interesting. Actually, it is Jumia. It is Jumai running those our boards.
Grayman: Yeah, I mean.
Marc The Shark: Have to send me those code. Somebody’s got to do it.
Hq3r: Well, he’s.
Grayman: He’s just trying to pretend that he’s selling honey, but he’s making honey with our watch.
Marc The Shark: Right? That’s funny.
Grayman: I gotta go get ready. My family is all part of the Spongebob play at our church tonight, so.
Marc The Shark: Oh, nice!
Grayman: Gonna be exciting.
Hq3r: So have a have a nice day, and I will look in 10 min. When I’m at my shop I will look at the mining core Apis, and let’s see if we can build something simple, I think agreement. If you want to go and you can go, and I think we will stay with 5 min more with Mark, and that’s it. So, Mark, I think we, what we could do is maybe add some item inside a Gs file. Instead of using any kind of database. So we could just do. We can do ecosystem daps, ecosystem tooling, and we can add inside image URL and or more related stuff to it. And we’re creating cards. And we’re creating cards based on that. So we if every time when when we have to add something new. We just just go there and add a new data to it. So it will be loading. Yeah. And we don’t. I think we don’t even need to deploy the not sure who is running the website, the the hosting. So if we are fetching data directly from the Json. we don’t even need to to redeploy, to redeploy or anything. Actually, it is, it is static website. So it doesn’t matter.
Marc The Shark: Okay, yeah, so.
Hq3r: Thank you.
Marc The Shark: The way it works right now it is the front page is using Json from the Api which is fed from the mining core database, and then but I’m like shaping it in some way. And then and then that’s really the bottleneck, I think, to where the Api is being created. It’s being called. It’s doing some stuff to the data that’s not native from the mining core. And then, you know, when people refresh, it’s like, okay. Well, now, we got to remake it, remake it, remake it, and then on the mining side. It’s not it’s not an Api. So it does have to run through it. So then it takes some more time to load, whereas before I did have a database.
Hq3r: Yeah, we don’t have.
Marc The Shark: Holiday.
Hq3r: Yeah. When I was looking, I was looking at the code. It felt like that you were using kind of python for front end.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hq3r: And that. And then I was like, why.
Marc The Shark: Well, like, I said, I’m apply. You know, the whole goal initially, and that’s where this whole Ui thing has kind of like the whole initial like in January, Qx. Like, Hey, can you make a dashboard that people can just spin up locally? And then it was like, Oh, hey! We want to replace it. And I was like, Oh, okay, and then and then it became what it is now. and yeah, definitely could probably be better in terms of you know, the whole coding aspect. But I’m not really too versed in that. So I just wanted to stick with what I know. But yeah, if you could.
Hq3r: I taught you my how to use civilte. I think he can help us, too. Right? Right? Joy.
Jumei: Yeah, I think I can help you.
Hq3r: Yeah. See, I told you Jemai is a good guy when he wants to be a good guy thing is he never wants to be a good boy.
Marc The Shark: So I mean, yeah, we could get some help on that on that stuff. Cause? cause? Yeah, we’re we’re we’re getting really close to the getting the other the ef proposal done, and then I’ll need. I’ll need to start working on that, and then but of course we need to, and then the swap stuff. So. But of course the dash right now.
Hq3r: So 10 years. The thing is that what I what I think is that most of the because we are not just a mining pool. Right? We are providing extra bonus tokens we are. We are community mining pool. So I think even it would be nice to showcase some of ecosystem.
Marc The Shark: Yeah.
Hq3r: And what can? Yeah, what can be done? Because it will be giving people showing showcasing people. What is the utility of work to start with right? Just imagine, just imagine just saying that instead of getting paid in Rsbtc, you can get paid in erg, and you can use Rosen Bridge. and you can receive. Well, you can receive Rsbtc, but you can bridge it, and you can get the the real Btc. so stuff like that is like like mini tooling, and you click on it, and then they can. Then they can do whatever they want to do it with it. So I think that that is what we need to to showcase people and and see what happens. I think we are here to test stuff, and we are in good times to test it, because most of I was not ready when I don’t even understand why people joined or go back. Then. when there was nothing.
Marc The Shark: Right? Yeah. Just for the host.
Hq3r: Yeah, we have. We have. Yeah, we have a lot. It feels like like an Hivtc moon voice. When I go pick to the $1818 that was, there was nothing there. Well, I was not there. I don’t know what was there. But yeah.
Marc The Shark: The Sergo decks. Yeah, that was about it.
Hq3r: Yeah, I got X was not even there. I got X launched 2 years and a half ago.
Marc The Shark: No, it was there. It was there when the price that’s pretty. That’s like when. Ergo. yeah, but that was that was the big pump. One of them.
Hq3r: Yeah. so yeah, I think I think we should focus on do that for the mining pool, at least for the mining pool dashboard. And now that we are doing the mining pool dashboard, we can just create a landing page for it for the mining single So it would be, it would look, yeah, it would look similar to each, each and all. But they have a different content. Yeah.
Marc The Shark: Totally. And then, like what Gray man was saying. And Cushti right, it’s like more miners are coming back on. And then, if our dashboard is sort of like, not like one depth to rule them all, but like a great way to sort of branch everybody into the ecosystem. And then we’re still building, you know, more tools like the bonus stuff or the swaps and some other things. You know that we’re trying to do that. I think that would be very powerful.
Hq3r: I think there is something else we can do on, on. We can load a model on the, on the 1st time when someone joins the the website, opens the website. It’s asked them several questions about preferences. What kind of miner you are, what are you into? And then we can categorize all those stuff, and we can even set up custom alerts from telegrams which go direct to that that website.
Marc The Shark: So if someone is interested in meme coins, and there is meme coins getting released right.
Hq3r: It will just send it will just send a notification on the for him or for the section of meme coins that this meme coin is getting launched. This meme coin did that this meme pumped, and this. So I think that would be nice to have. But yeah, the thing is, the thing is who I can build. The initial stuff is set up, and I can do all. Stat. But you require more time for to make it more functional in that way. If you want to do it, live, live hook, because setting is easy. But making it live. Okay is is kind of different. So yeah, we’ve had to see, how do we do that?
Jumei: Quick question. So you’re saying a like the main page when they 1st go there. This is for the what the Sig mining pool.
Marc The Shark: Yeah.
Jumei: Okay. that you want to be able to set, set up your personal settings, or like direct the user in the direction that will be most useful to them. And is that gonna be then minted to like an nft as their like default config? And then that way, the next time they go in and connect with their wallet. It’s like the same.
Hq3r: I think if you want, if you want to do that, you can. We can do that as a mint nft as personal preferences. And then on top of that we can use the registers to create notifications and send to that wallet so sent to some wallet. And in Ui we can show that it’s like, basically, it’s what I’m doing with the ergo, Santa. So you are sending a message. But we will have to convert those messages as notifications, we will. Well, we will just call them notifications when they are messages, and they are simple Tx, which are getting signed. So yeah, that could be done also. But yeah, again, back to back to the what we were talking about right now. I think the 1st the good to start with it would be to have a decent dashboard. A little bit more of ecosystem.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, absolutely.
Hq3r: Because if there is, there is a we have a banner running. it doesn’t say a lot. It just says that it’s give you this token, but it doesn’t say what these token do, where you can buy those where you can trade those stuff like that.
Marc The Shark: Yeah.
Hq3r: We can. We can even add prices to the prices of tokens which are bonus tokens.
Marc The Shark: Totally. And then I think that would be a lot better from a user experience and user perspective to where you know, this is obviously your bread and butter, and like, kind of let you guys handle that, and then then I can focus on the things that I’m more or less better at, and then everything is all. Then the whole ecosystem of Sigs mining is a lot better off, kind of as a whole.
Hq3r: Actually, we can. What we can do is that. yeah. But we’ll have to create a dap connector. Yeah, we, I think we can. I will try to make it on on top of what a new finance based code we have built so that you then can connect the wallet and it can track the tokens it has so it can show them the the price changes. Okay, so if it is a miner, it has a token. It has these token, it will show him that your this token has gone up. This token has gone down with the swap button at the end, which redirects to them to the Me finance. Dex. and if they have any nfts, so it will redirect them to the mart, and or maybe auction house, or maybe anything else. so it will be good, for it’s like like how you have a portfolio. and you are mining, and you are seeing what you are gaining and what you have. So it would be nice to have that all together.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, I agree. I agree, and then integrate the mining swap. So then they can mint that token and
Hq3r: Yeah.
Marc The Shark: Do all that.
Hq3r: Then people can see. We could also show, hey, how? I think, yeah, we can show that what are the user preferences? What are people setting up in their in their mining nfts. Yeah, so we can even show that 80% of people are mining 20% of that 80% of that. So it is, helps them to to understand what they can. Good.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, absolutely. I like it.
Hq3r: Okay, send me 3,000 495,000 eggs, and I will make it.
Marc The Shark: 3,000 herbs. We’re not gonna do this for free.
Hq3r: I still remember when, when I think which was it? I think spectrum team asked for 30 K. Or 18 K. For a for what is what an explorer. The pgr has built. I was like, ergo was at maybe 5 work at that $5 at that time, and we would be talking about like maybe 60 60 K for an explorer. And Echo was like, I fucking build, I fucking build a explorer for you guys. I didn’t get anything.
Marc The Shark: Right.
Hq3r: I think that’s a area explorer is one of the most used currently on ergo. it does the great. It does great job. Yeah, unless if you unless if you like to read the input and outputs from the main explorer, and the search doesn’t work.
Marc The Shark: True? Well, I mean, I know part of our Ef proposal, is we’re getting 10,000 for the mining Pool treasury so and then we already have funds allocated just for development, for the things that we said we were going to do. So I mean, I don’t see a reason why, part of the stuff that’s going into the treasury, you know, we could say, Hey. you know, once it’s all done, let’s like vote to pay you like a thousand or something, you know. I don’t see any reason with that. Any problem there.
Hq3r: It’s not about the price. It’s about the time you invest in it, because.
Marc The Shark: So.
Hq3r: As Jumai says that the more sweeter the honey. It’s expensive, right? Jumane.
Jumei: Yes, it is.
Hq3r: I knew it. See. I think I think we were brothers in another in other life, because we communicate with.
Marc The Shark: But I mean, I think you bring Bob is, you know, this could be the honey pot, you know. Help bring more people than you finance. So there’s obviously an incentive for you, you know, because you’re already talking about how people.
Hq3r: Why do you think? Why do you think I’m doing all this.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. So, I mean,
Hq3r: It’s the thing. The thing is, I’m doing all this, not for me. I’m doing all this for for people who have invested in me because I’m building all these services and all those fees are going to the same address which is going to be the profit sharing one. So right now tire 6 is if you have. If you hold tire 6, you’re not paying any fees on decks. So Jemiah is not wasting a lot of work. and he’s about to make 5 work on profit sharing. So he’s getting 5 work, plus all the money he’s not wasting.
Marc The Shark: Totally.
Hq3r: Yeah, so this is the current volume. So imagine if anargo picks up and there are more sales on more, there are more sales on stores. There are some more funds. There are more tax swaps. So yeah, we’re talking about. And also imagine if I go pump server goes 200. So you might have made have made 500 dollars just for per holding attire.
Marc The Shark: Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Hq3r: Well, I think we have a nice talk. I will look. I will look at the Apis now in in a bit, and I will just ping you and see what we can do.
Marc The Shark: Okay, beautiful. Yeah, thank you, sir. Enjoy your guys. Sunday.
Jumei: You too.
Marc The Shark: Thanks. Guys. See? You.