qx(): We are graced with Mark Glasgow today. Holy Shit! Has it been a while? Mark how you doing.
Mark Glasgow: Hello! Hello! You having a busy few weeks with family as a good.
qx(): I hope everything is alright.
Mark Glasgow: Yeah. Yeah. All good. Just have those stuff on.
qx(): Nice, very nice.
Cannon Q: Hey? Who is the the timekeeper? Note, keeper? It’s not me.
qx(): Chat. Gpt! I’d assume I don’t. We don’t have an official one. We tried to get one last week And failed. so, for now I guess it still remains that it’s the zoom transcript. I’ll keep giving them to Rustin, and Rustin can do his thing so it’s kind of rustin, but but if we say it’s rustin, then he’ll stop doing it. So it’s definitely not rustin. If that makes sense assist. Let me get up to here. Coaches says it’s like, shit. My camera’s on.
Sisyphuspush: It always starts on. I hate it. How you doing today.
qx(): Hanging in there. How about you?
Sisyphuspush: The saying, the saying just preparing for this space. Later.
qx(): Yeah. Right? Exciting. Very exciting.
Sisyphuspush: Yeah, they’re always nerve wracking. Yup.
qx(): And it’s at least he puts him in order. That’s great, very thankful. Oh, right here. Yeah, there’s no other choice, I guess. Okay, let’s start off. Yeah.
Cannon Q: It’s only an order. It’s only in order. When you click on all. When you go to dashboard they’re all out of wax.
qx(): They’re all out of work.
Cannon Q: Yeah.
qx(): Yay awesome. I wonder what this sort is at all.
Cannon Q: There isn’t one I’ve I’ve put it in.
qx(): Okay. so it looks like, Louise processing bot was down, or some part of was down today, or the last couple of days, I think, actually, or maybe it’s even been a week. Because I think. this guy didn’t. Yeah, this guy should have expired like 4 days ago, and it didn’t. So it’s been quite a few days. but it looks like right signal not past. So I’ll start a multi-sig transaction and get 4 eyes some of the payment at least for starting the process of making it. And then it looks like we have a new signal. Not right. That would be ergo. who is not here to dogs? Come up seriously. Oh, goodness gracious! Ergo rust! And I rest in my eye put in the proposal to promote him to Sigma. Not so. He should have gotten this morning the B padia token and the sigma. dial token, and hopefully he can read the or watch the video that Wambo put out and figure out how to stake and go from there. What else? Kennan, are you? Gonna you’re just gonna start this asap, or did you already start it?
Cannon Q: Yeah, I have not. I’ve been traveling and working this week too much to be able to sit down and do everything so.
qx(): Okay, okay. But.
Cannon Q: Open to do with the coming week.
qx(): Gotcha. Okay? So just so everybody knows. Right? It’s going to. you are. Wait. But I don’t want you to do. You have Sig Usc. That you’re not utilizing in the pool cause. If you’re you’re you’re you’re missing an opportunity cost. If you use your own signal, each Sig Usc here cannon.
Cannon Q: I’m gonna take ergos mint Sig Usd deposited in the pool and then send you guys the receipt. Send you guys the token. And then the transaction cost fermenting. This thing, Usda.
qx(): And then we’ll give you back birds.
Cannon Q: Herbs. Yep.
qx(): Okay, and we’ll give you back the same amount of orgs that you used to mitten.
Cannon Q: Yeah, exactly.
qx(): Okay. Alright, that works. I just don’t want you to miss an opportunity cost if you’re using your own cig more converting your own nerves. Okay, great sounds good. perfect. What else? I’m excited about this, the possibilities of that. And this, if anybody need an explanation of this the way that the mining core works is that it? When it finds a block it has to wait an hour. So for confirmation before it’s a real block, or an orphan block, or or whatever to be confirmed. Once that happens, mining course starts trying to pay it out about every 30 min or every hour, and there’s no funds in the wallet, because it has to wait about 24 h before we can claim those funds. The rewards from the mining address. Once that happens, then it’s paid out. So Block finds payouts are like 25 h delayed each block. So it’d be nice if we dump in 100 200 ergs into the wallet, so that as soon as a block is found an hour later, boom! It pays it out, and miners don’t have to wait 25 h for the the payment, and th. These funds don’t ever go away, cause all we’re doing is, you know, future paying essentially. And then the Treasury gets backfilled or the mining water gets backfilled with the rewards that you claim. So at any point, if there’s a need we can extract these and put them back in the treasury. So it’s not like, and we’re not converting massive Usd, so they’ll hold their value at all times. So it’s just I guess a trust issue right now. right now, myself and mark c mark, mark the shark mark with a C have access to mining core, which gives us access to the sending from the wallet to so the trust is, I guess, on 2 people at least. Now, instead of just me, which is good. I showed him during the week how to run that cool. Great! Let’s, I think. Well, who’s here? Major Hq. Austin Cis? We can do this really quickly, because because what’s it called I think maybe a couple of you have never done this before, but I think it’s good also to have on the recording as well for others to see, and maybe Rustin can watch the recording. But if you notice we have something from last week that I don’t think, Canon, I don’t think you got to this. So let’s do this right now. Essentially a pie proposal to provide liquidity for Spf. Why don’t we talk about that really quickly? How much spff and versus erg are we looking or thinking to use for liquidity, or at least to put up in a vote. What are your guys? Thoughts.
Cannon Q: Well. I was actually not considering holding Sbf position. Not.
qx(): Not holding it. What do you mean?
Cannon Q: I was meaning more like trying to mute this type. So I was meaning more like liquidate. Some of it.
qx(): Oh, yeah, those were, I think those were 2 things right that we were discussing. One was start liquidating the stuff, and the other one was collecting rewards from Spf. okay. what’s your thought on liquidating? You’re still there, Canon Cube. So we do have. We do kind of have a policy in place for liquidations. I believe it passed. Goodness gracious! We gotta find it. Let’s let’s look together really quickly. I think it’s one.
AM / MB: Percent price impact per week.
qx(): What’s that? What it was I remember we went with we went with Mark’s definition of it essentially in the end. There. Anybody have an idea what maybe we called it. I Treasury.
Mark Glasgow: A strategy.
qx(): Strategic.
Mark Glasgow: And I’ll strap.
qx(): No, okay, we can look for that. I mean, if that’s something we wanna do, then yeah, let’s put in a vote and just test it out. See what happens. So what’s 1% priceimp? Oh, sorry, Kevin.
Cannon Q: Speaker. Yeah. So I was thinking, farm part of it. And then maybe like what I part, I don’t know is just more. If we’re gonna be doing anything with this treasury. Make it more liquid.
qx(): So we have 160,000 spf. I mean Jesus. So half of that right. ie. What’s the what’s the purpose is just to make it more liquid. Do you think we were suffering from liquidity right now in the and the the wallet with ergs.
Cannon Q: I’m unclear honestly, I mean just speaking out loud. I’m unclear what the token will be used for once they have splash decks like. If this is dead, weight at some point gets dumped.
qx(): Oh, is that your worry, I gotcha Mark! Can you speak to what you think? The intent of the token? Isn’t it some sort of to do want to be the token of their actual spectrum network, their whole bridge between everything.
Mark Glasgow: Yeah, the layer one but it’s kinda I think it’s kinda quite so abstract for people, and and they’ve had them splash before. It’s kind of tangible. and I think long term it’d be fine. I think it’s probably good to just have a a strategy on the books, anyway. even just a small one to look at the small part. Just so you get into the screen. But let me build up security. and nothing should have to the forward tokens just as far as these in place, I think. And it’s it’s not very clear to me when the Spf stops coming out of the network stuff and.
qx(): So, so, Chris. Sorry. Go for it.
Mark Glasgow: So that I would. I wouldn’t liquidate for those reasons, and but I suppose it is a valid thing to raise.
qx(): I got you so the proposal, perhaps, would be practice a a liquidation on some of our tokens just to get it done. So we go through the the practice of it and exercise our policy. And then should we convert them to Csd at that time? Or. yeah, what are people thinking.
Mark Glasgow: Security would be good.
qx(): Okay.
Mark Glasgow: Rsv. If you feel risky.
qx(): Oh, look at that! Yeah, alright. What’s everybody thoughts on putting a proposal about that. I can find the I’ll search through this stuff to find our pro, our policy. That I write policy. Oh, yeah, look at that holy shit. Alright. It was there were 9, yes, and one no. but that was. I don’t think this past.
Cannon Q: Yeah, that’s a good one.
qx(): What did you say?
Cannon Q: He said. What if we just liquidated part of the Spf. To to her to balance? You know, whatever we’re gonna put for? I don’t know.
qx(): Oh, so like like min swap lightning, you only provide half the parity liquid at the other half. yeah. I mean, the question is, do you guys not feel there’s value in holding Spf. I mean, as spectrum could turn into a massive. a massive project on couple of chains, especially cardano splash, and with its interconnectedness it would present a faster per se swap than Rosen. Even Different implications. Security implications, of course, but it’s a different product.
AM / MB: But didn’t. But are they? Is Splash creating a new token for splash, though, or its own.
qx(): Yeah, I believe so. Right that. But that’s a split.
AM / MB: Stems.
qx(): So there’s this splash. There’s arrow decks the actual dexes. And then there’s a spectrum network, which is, as Mark was saying, is another layer that actually allows swaps in between chains. And that’s what spf is pegged, or or the the oil to that machine.
AM / MB: I mean, I think that I think that we should always be just like basically dollar cost averaging out of out of tokens, just securing. Like I. I think it’s a good idea that Mark said. Just slow. Have some sort of plan in place, that where we’re securing Sig Usd and value, whether it’s up or down. Slowly.
qx(): Alright. Let’s do a test. Then.
AM / MB: On this proposal. If I remember correctly, I think it got voted the one no. And then we had a vote. We had a meeting about it, and there was 10 plus people.
qx(): Did turn.
AM / MB: Meeting. Yeah, alright that I can check with. Voted. Yes.
qx(): I’ll check.
AM / MB: Did actually pass, but through a meeting.
qx(): Okay, good. Good. I’ll check the meeting just to verify that. So it says, we pledge to limit the liquidation rate to no more than 1% price impact on liquidity pool per week. I mean, that’s that’s right. That’s that’s not much. There. I mean, that’s a lot. We you know you could almost do.
AM / MB: Pretty good.
qx(): Yeah, I mean, you could do quite a freaking bit essentially on that thing. yeah. So that’s not a worry with spf, I guess. Okay, so let’s put in a proposal. Just to test the waters say that we’ll we’ll start liquidating the tokens inside our treasury to a tune of I mean, we don’t wanna do. Do you? Really? Wanna liquidate one of I mean 100,000 of Spf right now. are we really going for the Max here.
AM / MB: We could do 1% over the next 4 weeks. And just say. that’s the 1% amount and then just do it over the next 4 weeks. So it’s not.
Mark Glasgow: Yeah. Well, I don’t think to do one. I wouldn’t do one order, anyway, if you’re doing one soon per week. I do respect over a few days. And but yeah, you need to do the Max. You could do point to 5%, probably quarterly, because it’s decent.
qx(): Are you guys, Mark? Has the ef liquidated any spf.
Mark Glasgow: Yeah, it’s all exactly nice on the transparency report, and some been limited or some being given out as wages. And there was another section which I’m forgetting. Overall we felt, I think we’ve lucky to do like 60% of what we provided them in the Crown. Sorry that much.
qx(): Okay, alright. So let’s alright. So what do you want the proposal to be? You wanna do 1% over a couple of days or a couple of weeks, and do all the tokens in our that were given to us out from there, just so that we’re not picking and choosing. Essentially so, I mean, for some it could be like you were swapping one token, but that is what it is to be fair, at least. or is there.
AM / MB: Isn’t.
qx(): Cut off like, are we? Gonna we can’t do railroads toes. I don’t think there’s a liquidity pool for rails toes. But okay, so I’ll put in the proposal something like, you know, tokens that have a meaningful value at least we can.
AM / MB: For sure. We well, I think the ef the way they do it, I think, is good where it’s they they at whatever the each month, whatever their threshold is, and I think it’s either it’s between one and 3%. They will liquidate, and they just do it once a month, I believe. So doing that same thing, or it’s like, Oh, every once a month we’re gonna liquidate. At least 1% of these. We have the option to do 1% a week. But maybe it’s just like once a month. We we do a liquidation of 1% of all the tokens that we have. and it’s just kind of on a schedule that way.
qx(): Right! Let’s see what.
Cannon Q: But I have a I have a dumb mechanical question here on this, because we ran into it with like duck pools and crass. So there’s a you know, there is a way to interact with their contracts via multi sick. But ed it. I mean, Padua is great on this. But what’s actually gonna what is the layer that allows dows and multicating wallets to actually do anything Texas or anything else like, in my sense. understand? I’m not smart contract proficient, but it seems like. is there a way for it to interact with the decks, or is it gonna be sent somebody to do it. I mean, I’m just curious, like I don’t. I don’t know.
qx(): Oh, yeah, as right as of right now. It’s gotta be sent to somebody. right? Unless you guys, mark, do you guys right? Like, write something directly to interact with the smart contract.
Mark Glasgow: No, I was gonna say, yeah, right now, you need to send to somebody, but yet is possible to do. But it’s not set up that yet.
Cannon Q: So so something else to throw a wrench in. This is, Is there any benefit to creating whoever that the dev is? I don’t care creating a layer or smart contract that the multi 6 can interact with our decks right? We only have one. Oh. and use these tokens as payment. I don’t know missed talking out loud trying to make this more functional. I mean, today is great. But if you can’t do anything other than lock stuff. That’s a good sort of you know. I mean, it’s great just trying to. What’s the next step like? What can we help close the gap.
Mark Glasgow: Yeah, pick a good feature to add that it’s just one thing you need to interact with. And I think that in the short term it makes it easier. Just get one thing that treasurer to punish everyone.
qx(): I mean, it’s fair. Very few people probably have this issue in the ecosystem, I imagine, too, so probably very low on the totem pole of any dev. Okay. alright, I’ll write the proposal. That sound good, something like that. And we want to go for the big one we want to do on a monthly schedule. I mean, that means that means Spf will be gone. That means Spf will be gone in 2 months, which I guess is not a huge issue, I mean, do we want to leave any? Is that is that the intent here that we’re liquidating all tokens back.
AM / MB: Can we put something in it that just says up to 1% so that you can. we can flow it. How we want to just saying we’re we’re we can do up to 1% a month.
qx(): Of of price, impact, or of token.
AM / MB: Price impact.
qx(): Yeah, I have, like I have up to. I have up to in the language here. Yeah.
AM / MB: Yeah. Yeah. So then, you know, if we decide, we we want to flow sf, out, then we can flow Sf out. And I don’t think it’s unfair for us to pick and choose what what tokens we fill our.
qx(): I don’t think so.
AM / MB: Hold and not a hold either. So I mean, if we decided, yeah, well, spf, we’re gonna hold based on a development update that’s come out, and it’s better for our treasury than I. We do it.
qx(): Yeah. Gotcha. Hq, we, I mean, we could do Otc sales. Yeah. But we’d have to. It’s it’s impossible to control. So we can’t in that aspect. If we sell. we’d have to wait until we were sure that Otc. Seller sold because anytime that you know, if we do 2, 2 rounds of this, then they could sell in the same week or day and impact the price over 1%. So we have no control over that. So we kind of have to be careful of that. If we give them to somebody else or sell to somebody else. we’re still have to be responsible for the price impact. Okay, alright cool. alright. So I’ll work on that. That shouldn’t be too hard to write real quick. yeah, I mean you could vest for sure. But still, even if they let’s say you vest, and somebody unlocks in 6 months, and somebody unlocks in 8 months, and then they both sell on 12 months. You’re still not. You’re still going back on a policy of not having a more than a 1% price impact. If they both sell at the same time, no matter how long they lock for differently. it’s out of our control. After that. okay, I have let me see where it is. Here it is. Okay. So I’ve written this right here up. Just as a text based framework. This is gonna be converted into some sort of like slide deck essentially, and a lot more added to it as well. Probably more details on specifically how to set up the bots more details on more, Youtube videos put in. I’ll probably record something as well. I’ll probably definitely record this right here the the virtual box or or vmware player depending on. If I can find my Vmware enterprise license kicking around to spin up a Vm. There. But that’s this is essentially the just a base draft of what that looks like. and I know there was some chat about, and I’d like to get your advice in here, too, because Mark’s in here as well as well as other people who are in discords. My main thought was that ticketing systems and threads are imperceivable to normal users. Apart from scams, they cannot perceive the difference between a Scammer masquerading in a DM. As a ticketing system or a thread popping out, and a spammer hopping in there, and doing that. What are your? What are your thoughts on those 2 statements that I’m making here? Whereas S. Saying disable threads and do not use ticketing systems.
Mark Glasgow: Like that’s fairly sensible. And ticketing system. Suppose it depends on what one they use. And but yeah, for the average person, I think it’s very hard for them to distinguish between that and a private scam food. Such bestowing.
qx(): So my thought is for scaling purposes, you know. You simply just have 5 or 6 or 7 support channels on the left hand side that you know. You say, let’s move to support 7. Let’s move to support 6, and then they meet you there, and you don’t link them there. So that’s you know. The idea is, you know, the the way that we practice in what’s it called release in the higher education, because we try not to send links to people at all for them to click through just because they get in the habit of just clicking shit and going. So if you’re sending out an announcement you say, please log into the workday system. Please log into Peoplesoft, you know you don’t give the link. You just tell them what to do. So in these instances the person would say, please go to support Channel 6, support Channel 5, and not even hashtag it. So they can go there. Yeah. Okay. Alright, Mark, did you have a chance to look through this by chance? You see anything glaring at least in the baseline here.
Mark Glasgow: No, I think it looks pretty good. There’s also a page in the doc, so you could probably grab some bots and stuff from. I think I’m missing all group uploads. super the grip, but and hold up. But we can miss the shot here. Okay.
qx(): Awesome. Okay, thank you. Major says the vote’s going to be for to be binding for selling, and it’s 1% of the price. No, it’s major, it’s 1% price impact. So if you look here. you can see that we can sell up to 50,000 tera hits before we move the price 1% right there. And if we go to love, let’s say we decide to do love you can sell. you can maybe sell a hundred. Yeah, not even 85, perfect. Something like that. That’s the idea. There. let me click on your link. So I have it and don’t lose it. Mark. Okay, great cool. So I will. I’ll I’ll continue to work on that throughout the week and make some pretty graphics and hopefully get it out and get the video out here. I think this is going to be our key. If I can make this section more robust. The idea. The is twofold idea. Here, guys, it’s it’s to hand out to our groups, and new projects. So they know what to do in their communities. And then it’s really to pinpoint influencers on Instagram at sorry X and and those places in Youtube, so that they know how to protect the count, and they’re passing around a document with a big fucking ergo logo on every page. And even the wallpaper of the subuntu virtualbox image that I’ll do will have the ergo local on the desktop. When they launch the the the safety, the sandbox, the OS kind of thing. So that’s a that’s a second idea here. So this is important for me to make more robust, and I’ll keep on thinking on things that we can do to fluff it up a little bit so that it’s more of a guide for influencers as well and protecting themselves. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. So if any of you guys have? Yeah. 2 factor, authentication. Thank you. Yeah, yeah. Okay, great. Okay. Good. Nothing on that. Major says. But if we are selling over time and prices dropping. We voted and are going to power through the sale. I mean, we can put a we can put something in the the Padia vote that says selling per month can be a discussion in meetings and held up by a majority. If we’ll say present.
AM / MB: That’s true. It could be. It could be like, you know, the first meeting of every month we review the price impact of each token, and decide at that point what, how.
qx(): But I’m not.
AM / MB: Yeah, how we’re gonna do it. And look, yeah, if it’s gonna be all at once cause it’s small, or if it’s okay, we’ll fade this out over the next 3 weeks, or however T. At 5, at maybe at some level. It should be a little bit discrete right.
qx(): Discrete like, oh, when people know we’re gonna dump it. Yeah.
AM / MB: Yeah, yeah, I don’t think we should be like on this date. We’re gonna liquidate X amount. I mean, I think we should just flow it! How it flows!
qx(): Gotcha. Okay. What else is there working? Okay, that’s that’s checked. That’s checked. I don’t think coffee’s here right now. S Cis and I chatted a little bit the other day, and then this morning and what’s it? Yeah.
Cannon Q: Before you jump into that. Yeah, the any of you guys that are on discord just real quick. The the only way flux Kaz. Who else lately Casper flux a couple of decent size projects off of the proposed got hacked, you know, and people are sending out links. It’s always because people don’t have the back. Authentication on like that virtually stops. If you are. If you have access to our discord, or, you know, managing any of the discards out there. You gotta have it. And it it wasn’t initially on discord. And so that’s what Zoom Troll helped me set up the one for the field. and he’s like, Yeah, I got it on. But I can’t do Xyz. And I was like, Well, go check. And it wasn’t on like he thought it was because when they sent out the message they were adding, it thought it was defaulted onto count that you actually have to. So just. you know word to the wise like. It’s worth having.
qx(): Yeah, I think, Mark, Mark, you require anybody with admin rights on your discord to have multi factor on their account. I think.
Mark Glasgow: Yeah, definitely, yeah.
qx(): Cool. Okay, yes. So Sys had some really good ideas about, and Sis interrupt me and chat if you want to chat about creating involving some of the artists that have stake in the game and skin in the game to form some sort of not a union per se, but an organization of those people who would help drive changes and policy forward. And and these places. So I reached out to Quoka And just ask them some initial questions about his Cdn. And and the work that would need to go into doing. What is it? Eip? 30, 34 is assist with collections so that people could still get royalties or something. That Sky Harbor hasn’t implemented yet, based on royalties to to get some initial like just raw numbers for that, so we could at least know where we’re starting from. Once we have those, I guess Sis and I will get back together and chat about what we can think, to brainstorm, to see what proposals can be made, or what possible path forward, and then we’ll bring it back to here. chat somewhere about it. But I think last week we talked about. you know, things like so like like sky harbor that are necessities in not necessities, but vital to the healthy function of ergo, as a as a blockchain. And I was thinking this morning semi unrelated, but related that. I wonder if it’d be beneficial to have a document that almost like a ranking document that you know. Let us know, like what’s vital to the healthy operation of the ergo ecosystem, so that if you know, let’s say, let’s say pulsar leaves or goes somewhere, I mean, you may not know it, but pulsar like does all those you know he did the original contracts for huddle org. He does all the monitoring bots that are here for the treasuries for Padilla monitoring as well. So stuff like that that people might not think of that. It’s important to kind of know who does it and what it means if that person goes away because of lack of funding or or something like that. So I think if we had some some document like that at some point, and I can work on it more like a ranking document of vital ecosystem things Mark does does the ef track any of that kind of stuff.
Mark Glasgow: We’ve got some stats on our thought it about because it was a previous guy, Alia. That done that kind of similar stuff we done with the last notification bots? I don’t think they were open source. But yeah should be on the list. I suppose I can make a category for ecosystem infrastructure, I suppose, would be. I guess.
qx(): What we call essential, essential community and essential. I don’t know what the what I’m trying to call it, but something.
Cannon Q: Infrastructure. Yeah, I mean, it’s just infrastructure. It’s like having a road, or you know.
qx(): Yeah.
Cannon Q: Line or whatever. Yeah, and that’s.
qx(): It was.
Cannon Q: Talking about. I just with work, haven’t got to it. But that’s what I’m thinking about on this. You know. Bond thing for building infrastructure. Build this stuff out because I mean, I was thinking about when if you go to that Cornell thing at at in New York. you can’t even tell people to. I correct me if I’m wrong. But I don’t even think the I store apple store whatever even has, or go wallet on it anymore. Right?
qx(): I think it.
Cannon Q: Doesn’t.
qx(): Hello! There!
Cannon Q: You have to sideload or no.
qx(): No, it’s still there. Terminus, is there?
Cannon Q: Okay. does it seem like there was a hitch on. Get updated.
qx(): It’s been the same one for the last year, I think, but it’s it’s there. Last time I checked.
Cannon Q: Oh, Gotcha! I thought, someone there, I’m just I was just thinking about just general stuff like we’ll need to date up that.
qx(): Yeah, okay, I, th-.
Cannon Q: Yeah, I mean, I think we can petition them for part of it, too. But you know.
qx(): Okay, alright. So.
Cannon Q: This document like Frontier, coming up with a plan.
qx(): Perfect. perfect. Great. Okay. yeah. I mean, there’s nothing we’re like. I just noticed the other day that fucking Thc hasn’t been around for, you know, Weeks. So I reached out to him this morning to check on him. But stuff like that where, you know, if you you know, if somebody remains quiet. You’re like, oh, where the hell, where the hell they go! You know what? What’s the impact of them leaving the ecosystem, or or taking a break, or that kind of thing. Is there any of us? It can help pick up the slack, or you know anything like that. So I think that’ll that’ll definitely help for that. Okay. Awesome. Yes. So I have been. I think I put it in chat. I have a Zoom Meeting with let’s see Cornell Blockchain Conference. Right here. I have a meeting with agenda with the person that’s running this and and they wanted to put us on 2 panels. I think I don’t think they I had the panel somewhere. I can’t find them anymore. But these are the current sponsors for 2024. I’m going to ask them next week what we can do to get ergo, up here, even though it’s in 2 weeks. It’ll still be nice to have us have a present even. It costs us a couple of grand, perhaps, I think, but you know, of course, express yourselves here in an end up a day of vote. But essentially it’s on 2 panels the nft panel and the dow panel. I’m not sure what it entitles whether I’ll be giving a presentation, and then off all all the panel members give a short presentation and then sit down and take questions, or else it’s just right off and starts as a panel. I’ll I’ll discover that tomorrow when I zoom with them. But but I’m excited for it. It’s in 2 weeks, I think on a Friday, on the 26, maybe something like that. I’ll take the I’ll head down to New York the day before in attend most of the conference. I’ll try to maybe get an ergo hat, but I’ll wear my ergo sweatshirt and somebody had mentioned as well that we test. Run the the cards so we can make some paper wallets with things on it and hand them out during the panel as well, or just the people that I meet. For networking. I cannot wear the hotdog major. Yeah, awesome. I’ll take stickers. But these guys, I mean, look at these people here? yeah, I’ll show you. Cornell block Chit chain group. These are. These are pure Mba folks that I don’t think are gonna appreciate. yeah, I don’t think you’re gonna appreciate the hotdog costume. Maybe maybe this person well, I don’t know but
AM / MB: Yeah. Don’t take the ergo fan stickers just the regular ergo ones with the QR.
qx(): I’m glad you clarified that, Austin.
AM / MB: Yeah, just take.
qx(): There!
AM / MB: Yeah, take the nerdy stickers. Alright, dude.
qx(): Perfect so excited about that. So once I get all the details about how that goes down on Monday, I’ll probably put up a padilla vote to see if we can help sponsor it, and then I’ll let you guys know what I’m either presenting if I am presenting, or if it’s just a panel, then that should be much easier. But we’ll see from there. Super excited hopefully, gets some exposure and gets us a bigger place next year. Maybe they can have cushy as a keynote next year, or something like that. You know, this is kind of our foot in the door, and thanks to Canon for noticing this right under my nose and and suggesting that we reach out to them. Yeah, Austin.
AM / MB: Is there, since there the nft panel is there any opportunity to have Dan and Zendgate present something? How they’re using ergo’s nft platform.
qx(): You know, real world.
AM / MB: Use case, nice.
qx(): That was gonna be. That was gonna be my main, my main focus on tokenization of assets. In the space. But I don’t. I don’t know if they can zoom in, and I know Dan’s not gonna come from Japan to do it. So but yeah was going to be one of my main focuses.
AM / MB: Cool, alright. I like it.
qx(): Cool. Alright. What else do we have? Let’s see. what was that? Paper wallets? Yeah.
AM / MB: Wait doesn’t doesn’t, didn’t doesn’t Mgp work on zendesk stuff.
qx(): Oh, he’s in ball, you know. I wonder if he want to come with me? That’s a good point. Let me see. Let me text him right now and see, yeah. And.
AM / MB: Both of these also, young and gonna be of the Cornell age group soon.
qx(): Yup, exactly. Let me text him right now.
Cannon Q: Fucking Poach.
AM / MB: Steal him.
Cannon Q: I’m not joking. They’ll fucking post the kid.
qx(): Oh, no, I mean we have to. We have to be competitive enough to where he’ll want to stay with us. I think he likes. Ergo, for ergo, man, I don’t think I’ll ever fully leave. Ergo, if you go somewhere else that pays them more money. But okay, I’ll ask him. I texted him to see what’s up. Austin, your hand’s still up. Is that just cause you’re 50 years old and don’t know how to use zoom.
AM / MB: I don’t do. I have to take it off.
qx(): Yeah.
AM / MB: Lower hand. I got.
qx(): Go, Ben. Alright! I think that’s all. I got anybody else want to take it from here. Anybody else got anything. Cannon, mark.
Mark Glasgow: And possibly also the main thing we’re working on is and this hackathon. So you’ve voted for the funding and trying to get some Rosen enough frozen guys as well, because it’s gonna be a bit quite sorry. It requires a smart layer for Bitcoin. And so we want to make this a big one hopefully. Get them to donate some rose, and I suppose we just say and take care of the ef allocation which we’ve not received yet. I don’t think they’ve sent out any rose have not spent any yet, and at all. And so that’s that’s gonna be the main focus. I think the date is me do the trick. and there’s the events chat. If anybody’s not in it, maybe for the telegram ministry chat, you can access it through discord as well. So there’s a working paper. and and then some related docs, I’ve done an article, or there was a spot there for Bitcoin and Rosen, Btc. Marketing, and we’ve got the editorial team working on content for this. It’s gonna be the new in the new site design as well. and had a meeting with bears. Start the week. and he’s went through a couple iterations of the same. But it’s looking pretty pretty good, so hopefully that won’t be too much longer, I think. Designer left, I think. Designer. So it’s been a bit of a opinion I was. But yeah, that’s the main thing and unworking side. So we’re going to be focused on that. So if anyone can assist, it would be helpful. Try and get some tasks down, and we need more technical errors. Anybody can write or know somebody that can write, and they want to write. And that’s a Pedro, if it gets paid per word. M. But yeah, we need more readers. And and they’re gonna go for Michelle. Correct. Bring the background Maxes, into ergo and hit them on luster. Think. Christopher Karen. So you do that and to set up an account now. And I’ll be using blue sky. But yeah, we need to switch out on all the platforms. pull them in. And because that’s gonna be a big narrative over the next few months, I think. with having in all these projects like RGB, plus plus launching. And then we also had segment, James. Presentation. And I’ve made a lot kind of dogs, because I think a lot of people are confused on what it what it is. But I think there’s a lot of cool things there. And as a comparison to RGB plus us speaking to emerge, meaning with Bitcoin and basically add the contraction layer to Bitcoin. which would be quite a cool value. Add and something it’s been shown about because we’ve got projects like KK. Case. This is C. Kb. get on this attention for being a bit coin smart there when we’re doing the same thing. So I think we need to market this. Better push out there. So if anybody has any ideas, then let us know. Then.
qx(): Nice I’m having.
Cannon Q: What’s the what’s the latest with Mexic? I’ve seen just a lot of people bitch, and especially with the price, you know. Action that we’ve had this last few days.
Mark Glasgow: So on the 1212 April, which was Friday, asked to have looking as much left to be done on integration state. and didn’t respond. But, he added, like 8 people to the chat, so I’m hoping that’s the next stage of the process. We’ve attempted marketing people wherever and the Devs asked any questions since the eleventh of April. so hopefully she’s got it all figured out. and and that’s pretty much complete. So it could be pretty soon, and no concrete timeline of them yet, but that’s kind of looking like it should be soon.
Cannon Q: And I’ll I’ll throw the grenade now. Joked with Mgpi yesterday about it. But I mean, there’s no K non Kyc anymore. I see which is what it was from my origin. Wrestle got this thing going?
Mark Glasgow: Yeah, I asked them to clarify what the actual policy changes, because the the email they set out says you’re based in the country which needs Qic. I don’t think I go to my personal account. and it’s awesome.
Cannon Q: Search for.
Mark Glasgow: Policy change, but didn’t respond. We’ve been.
Cannon Q: Yeah. The.
Mark Glasgow: You’re in the Us.
Cannon Q: Well, the the policy that I’ve seen. For the folks at Brady, and talking about it because they just finished a raffle. Mexic as well took 6 months, but they finally got it done. And you know. as of today, I think it was like April first. You can’t open an account with Maxie without Kyc. And then in June all accounts will have to be Kyc. This what I’ve gleaned I could be wrong. Try to find a link and announce. But but there was already in that community bitching about, you know. took them 6 months to get there, and then they sort of got rugged by the exchange, which just sort of made me chuckle, because, you know. that’s what exchanges, for. It’s probably but anyway, that that’s what I know.
Mark Glasgow: Yeah, it’s not ideal. They told us that anywhere before the register for April first should have immunity from I’ve not. I’ve not had to do anything. But maybe that’s part of it as well. But yeah, as a pending us hopefully. we still have access to their existing user base. But it will be a painful that people they’re open sign up on listing date.
qx(): Yeah. So to confirm.
Mark Glasgow: Late, First.
qx(): To confirm. Yesterday I hopped in to Mexic from Germany and made a new account, and it pops up with a warning, but I bypassed it. It lets me deposit it, lets me withdraw, but as soon as I try to initiate a spot trade it pops up with the Kyc. Error that you see here. So yep. any new account is locked into Kyc, even. And so then I just this morning I just right now I logged in from us without vpning, and it was like, Hey, are you in the Us. And I was like, no, I don’t live here. I’m just, you know not here, and I hit no, and it let me back in. But it still pops up with this when I try to trade even from the Us. So yeah.
Cannon Q: So anyway, I’ll I’ll keep throwing the grenade. But there’s no way to go back now. But I mean, this isn’t what we voted for we voted. Thank you. This was going to be, not Ky exchange similar to Coin X, just bigger and scale.
qx(): Do we want to withdraw? I mean, we already paid.
Cannon Q: Second was a draws, I think.
qx(): Great.
Cannon Q: I understand that I’m just saying I don’t know what if if you had, they’re known as the like large non Kyc exchange right? That’s why everyone wants to get on. Well. Ouch! You don’t know till it occurs right? So I mean, it’s all speculation. I’m talking out of my ass. But I’m guessing that once June first hits and everyone has to. Kyc, they’re gonna shrink.
qx(): Yep.
Cannon Q: Just just a guess. you know, I I don’t think it’s gonna have the veracity that it’s had last year for other change that, you know, had aggressive market making. Just jump on there for a minute. We’re.
qx(): So do we know what countries? Maxi services that our current exchange listings don’t service. Are we essentially just gathering people who prefer Mxy, or we actually opening up to new markets here. Now that it’s Kyc restricted. Anybody know those numbers.
AM / MB: Yeah, I I don’t know the numbers, but I know that Maxi. even before the raffle, I mean, it’s never been a us usable. You’ve never been able to trade on it. What? From a Us. Ksc, or non? Kb, yeah, without a VPN or anything? Right? So I think that it’s already, I I think the impact of it as opposed to like gaining any like Major. Like us, business for us wasn’t ever really the intent. It’s more or less just like another stepping stone and opening us up to another channel of volume, which, yeah, may. When the Krc. Goes forward, it may end up being less, but otherwise I don’t think that it’s I don’t think it’s gonna have that big of an impact on ergo itself. unfortunately, but.
Cannon Q: Well, it. Somebody feed in the data for me, but didn’t. Wasn’t. who be, or Htx, or whatever they change their name to, weren’t they? Non Kyc. Too? And now they’ve gone to Kyc. Or do I have that backwards?
AM / MB: Q. Coin switched, and that made a significant volume drop for ergo, but ergo, had been the that would have been the main access point for us would go through Q coin. And then they went Kyc, and that cut off essentially cut off pretty much our entire Us. User base. But Mexy never had a Us user base that was using ergo or anything before. So I I think it’s still just an added layer of volume for us, and it won’t necessarily have an an impact specifically on our price or anything. It just might not be exactly the volume that we had signed in the beginning, or it may it may, it may still be a great added volume, really can’t tell. Yeah.
Mark Glasgow: I think, for the for the price still is still decent, because you’re kind of paying that. And it kind of in the top 50, really, and it was cheap for what it was, and on Kyc. Being the top 5 for whatever. and but I think I think it was. Some still add benefits and still be a lot of people using it. and ik fine from the UK. And so I imagine it’s just probably us. It’s been showed maybe a few countries like South Korea or something. And but yes. should should we retain, though us uses for a few months at least. So it’s on to June. I’ll try and get some clarity on that. She’s not mentioned that to us. She just told us that anyone registers before April first. I wouldn’t have to keep IC, so I’ll try and find out if there is a more strict cost coming probably, as eventually, anyway. But I’ve not heard a date. Okay.
Cannon Q: Alright, I’m done throwing grenades. Thank you. Sorry, just one and a.
qx(): Is there? Is there a payment concern? Mark has stuff been switched to stable ahead of time just in case this happened, the decline in price.
Mark Glasgow: And well, we’ve got yeah, we put the staples there, and it’s half an hour. So yeah, we’ve got, and of stable staples to cover. and I’ve done since the raffle. and she’s been sitting there. But we can’t.
qx(): So there’s no concern of there not being enough money to pay the bill.
Mark Glasgow: No no. and we’ve got usd there anyway.
qx(): Awesome. Great. Okay. Anything else. They’re coming up on time soon. No, yeah, Austin, you.
Cannon Q: Join the sorry. join the join the cyberverse spaces later today.
qx(): 2 pm. Today. Yeah. Also or 2. Pm, what’s that? 6 pm. Utc. Will be fun and stay tuned, Joe and I will record the dev update tonight, and we’re gonna ask a lot of questions about sigma chains to try to clear that up with Ela fives. And if it’s not too late we’ll probably live stream, you know. Fuck it. We’ll probably live stream it, anyway. Just so I don’t have to video edit it, and then it will be there. So if you’re awake bit like I don’t know. 4 am. Utc. Tonight, whenever it shows free, then feel free to join us on the the midnight ama for dev update, and we’ll see how that goes. Yeah. Oh, sigmining pool update real quick. I integrated some bots in it, so that every 6 h it shows like here, I’ll show you real quick for those not in it. Share just simple bot every every 6 h. It’ll show this one right here. essentially showing what how many miners are connected and what the hash rate is. And then, of course we have our block notifier right here, and then there’s a new feature that I added to that as well. So if you have mining rigs or mining wallet. You can type in slash ep mining and the wallet name, and it will give you your whole readout, so you don’t have to go to the dash if you don’t want to. Current workers, etc. So it’s just a quick check. I realize the thing I built for Glip. Get block for for minor down notifications was more complicated than I thought. So it wasn’t something I wanted to tackle yesterday, so I just made modifications. So this could happen, maybe in the future I’ll make it so that it tracks your minors, and if one goes down it’ll notify you in chat here. So that’s that. Oh, cannon’s typing in here. Oh. yeah. So that’s going really? Well, as you can see, we’re at 20. 23 giga hash, or around 20 some giga hash right now with 16 people. I think a little bit of A catalyst was high boss fucking up. They lost like a shitload of their minors configs. So cards were now overheating because they lost their overclock configs, and they were running a full blast, which was unfortunate. But wow! What it’s super fuck up. you know, not backing. I don’t know what happened, but it’s all. Most of it’s gone and also, I think right. When Mark was talking about with having a bitcoin, you may see some minors looking to move. Perhaps if Bitcoin stays the same price, and that comes down so we may see more people there, too. but we are on the ranking site that I showed. I submitted us to another pool list site as well, and we’re going. I found a while I was working with Mark C. Mark, the shark I found we talked about duplicating the database to another server so that we could ping that server instead of the mining core server and I found a Psql mirroring tool that seems like it’s really good. They can just link the 2 servers, and it’s like you’re talking seconds delay. So then we can just point all the dashboards to the secondary server. And we’re not. So we’re not hammering the mining core server. So I’m gonna work with Mark C, and try to figure out how to get that up and running on my ergo port Server. or which will act as at least on there and we’ll go from there so that stage will have not only the snapshot backups of our server, we’ll have a database backup secondary as well that you could easily just spin up and re point pools. If that’s the case, if something goes down and then another user, it is, let me make sure I get their name right. Kenya has some really good ideas about dockerizing some things and using this kind of load balancing tools so that we can put the mining pool between 2 servers and and if one goes down, then it doesn’t matter. It’s automatically taken from the other server kind of thing. So those are more like industrial type infrastructures that we’re hoping to go to soon. Right now. The only cost is the server that’s running it. Which is like $40 a month, but that’s it. The hope is that I did the calgulation. and I think it was. I think we only need 3 block 2 or 3 blocks a day to be able to pay that with our 1% pool fee. So that means we need to about 2040, about 60 hash giga hash. Right now we’re at 20. Something so expand by 3 times. That’ll put us, maybe in the top top fiber inking, perhaps with with giga hash, and then anything on top of that is butter, and that’s profit for the sigma knots. So that’s what we’re aiming for trying to get a a flow of of money to us so that we can sustain ourselves. And I’ve been ignoring chat. yeah, mining stats, 11 says Can, and great thank you for doing that. Mark’s child is typing so that’s the thing, Ken. And we gotta figure out how the how the mirroring works. So we can link 2 pools in 2 databases. Then we can have servers and co-locations that are working on the same effort. Essentially. she said, it’s actually fairly difficult to do. So let’s get this infrastructure in place first, we just had some guy joining, as you saw right right here. Satan’s brother in law just joined from the Uk. So we’ll see how that ping is from there. It’s it’s it’s usually pretty good from what I’ve seen from at least across the country. So yeah. servers are in Virginia. By the way, great alright! Anything else before we wrap it. What was I gonna say to you?
AM / MB: Yeah, you said my name. And then Camden brought something up like Austin. And then. yeah, I don’t know.
qx(): Oh, I wanna know if you wanna talk about your greasy sex, your, your. You said you have 6 6 people now signed up for the over the.
AM / MB: Oh!
qx(): Initial bias.
AM / MB: Oh, yeah. yeah. So the pre donation whale. Otc, event, people are registering. So right now, yeah, we have 6 of this 6 of the 20 spots filled, and that’s a total of 6,000 erg committed to go towards the already going towards the liquidity. Part of it goes towards greasy sex treasury, towards the next, ergo adoption. So that’s pretty pretty significant. We’re already starting with a pretty large amount going towards a liquidity for an ergo meeting coin, as as far as ergo mean coins going, that’s that’s always a. It’s already a pretty good start at a liquidity amount. So. So we have 14 more spots. So if anybody knows anybody that is interested in being a gift whale
qx(): I hear you keep going.
AM / MB: I don’t know if someone’s trying to talk. Let me know. You can just DM me, and I’ll register you on that list, and you will, on the date that the the Whitelist tokens go out. You’ll get your walled address to to make your deposit, and then we will have hopefully, a week after that, just the public donation around which will be open to everybody to become a Otc whale. But the way that will work will be a limit on transactions, so that the no one can just send in like, you know. 2,000 erg, and just clear the pool out. It’ll be 50 erg limit. So if you’re trying to become a whale at that point, you better be able to do a lot of text really quickly. transactions quickly. But yeah, it’s going. Well, it’s gonna be cool.
qx(): Awesome, sir. I’m happy for you looking forward to it. Great! I think it’s cool that you and I mean it’s it’s greasy as fuck both you and Hq. And Aco. That. But I think it’s nice. At least you guys are up in front about the centralized aspects of what you’re doing like with crooks. Finance. Yeah. Staking comment is directly to a P 2 Pk. Wallet, I believe right? But at least you’re upfront within you’re being transparent, which is important, I think.
AM / MB: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it’s a mean coin. And that’s how mean coins are run. They’re not run decentralized at all. So you know. Yeah, to do.
qx(): Gotcha. Alright, everybody! I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Don’t forget the to support the cyberverse space at 6 utc. And then, if you’re awake, join us for some questions in the dev update later tonight, if we do it live. Thanks, everybody. Thanks, Eva, for your translations and your effort as well, and that community appreciate it. Ciao.
Mark Glasgow: Guys catch you after.