Sigmanauts at NFTxLV: September 28 - October 1, 2023

Liquid Phase, review:

this show went very well, and I personally feel it was a very good thing we showed up strong like we did.

The majority of the attendees at the show were cardano projects, where the cardano investors are dwindling a bit - interestingly enough, where we saw some of the most interest in ergo was from other projects either on cardano or wanting to be cross chain, like a wallet app thats multichain and some game/nft projects that want to potentially use ergo.

Where our presence was felt primarily was in education, we dispelled myths and rumors while reinforcing the truth of the ecosystem projects.

Many people walked away from the ergo booth impressed with ergo and the ecosystem offering.

These people either: A) Heard about ergo through cardano and just know charles likes it or that cardano ecosystem projects speak highly of it B) Thought ergo was a project on cardano C) Didn’t know what ergo was at all

In all three instances, people were impressed. I personally took any chance i could to plug THz, but only after talking about Ergo first.

I get the vibe that lots of people like that ergo is eUTXO, that it is PoW as well and some were even talking about interoperability at the chain level, which Joe was representing with Rosen bridge when he was there saturday.

Ergo made a statement at this show: “Here we are, and we’re ready for you.”

qx() review:

Thursday: Arrived late and texted Dan and crew to hand out some hugs. Went to their hotel where they were supposedly in the front bar drinking…waited and walked around for 10 minutes only to see them come out of the elevator and then go stand in the walkway of the bar….this should have been my first red flag. Handed out many hugs, some more than others, and met Dan, Steve, Chef, and Oscar. Steve is a sigcan @N0tjuMz and he told me that when i first shook his hand but for some reason it didn’t process, then i felt stupid about 15 minutes later. Chef works for Dan on Zengate and runs a popular Cardano Staking pool. Oscar works with Dan as well. We proceeded to NOT drink anything and beat eachother up verbally, mostly Dan to me…Then after about 15 minutes of trying to figure out what to eat, Dan made us order some wings with him at the hotel sports bar…I was already full from restaurant food but he forced a few wings on me anyway.

Friday: Wake up! Text Dan and crew only to discover they went to iHOP without me and decided to go to one 30 minutes away…got there in time to see Dan finishing up his pancakes with a few complete strangers that I mistook for long lost friends of his. At least he got me an iced tea. Headed to event space after to setup with Chef and Steve while Dan spent a lot of time supervising, he’s really good at that. As you probably saw, we combined two large and two small booth spaces (zengate, rosen, blitztcg, and sigmanauts) and what a difference it made. We were able to colelctivly have a huge section on the tip of a row which ended up being where most people were walking in for some reason! The table consisited of: ErgoFans stickers Ergo Stickers w/qr code Prize wheel with projects and NFT (as well as the ergo platform twitter that Hosky group won). This really gave us a chance to talk about the projets they landed on. iPad with grand prize instructions (create a wallet spin wheel, get a tx from us) Laptop with about 30 tabs open of projects on ergo that auto scrolled through them every five seconds. Android tablet running @rustinmyeye ’s one click nipopow node Flyers (11x17) of TabbyPOS’s ecosystem graphic Zengate pen’s and keychains Mike (THz) arrived and unloaded a nice sound system, some Coffee, THz flyers, and some much needed cords! He made some Killer Coffee!

People really working hard behind the booths talking to a lot of people! LGD, MGPai, Steve, Mike, Armeanio, Dan, BlitzTCG team, Chef!

Saturday: Up bright and early, Dan and crew to iHOP this time and he actually warned me (well, maybe Chef did). Met in Person: BlitzTCG (Mick) MGPai Luca (lgd) Chris Ray (and brother) Armeanio Rick McCracken PROXIES guy More people from many cardano projects We gave away about 40-50 NFTS in close to that many transactions This means we had about that many people install ergo mobile wallet, people were really impressed at the speed and simplicity of it. Clapped very hard for Dan during his panel, he spoke about tokenized commodities Clapped very hard for Armeanio during his panel, he spoke about Hackathons Joe, Dan, Mike, MGPai did some great interviews with influencers in our space at the event.

Sunday: Joe left us without a trace!!! Snuck right out! Shorter day! Very smilar to Saturday but this time more exhibitors came to visit the booths Clapped SUPER hard for BlitzTCG’s panel on web3 gaming. He set fire right out of the gate with a statement that resembeled “there is no use in coding a game on/with the blockchain if it isn’t open source and if people don’t own their assets” Charles visited our booth for some good photo ops! There was a very cute dog that I gave a lot of pets too

Takeaways: Cardano has a lot of polish on their apps. Sigs should start off by funding some ux improvements on ergo mobile wallet and nautilus for starters. Cardano is very welcoming to Ergo, prob have Charles to thank for that Only a few people thought Ergo was a test network of cardano, the others, Joe told them that Cardano is an NFT on Ergo. Stake pools on Cardano are sexy. They use popularity to create a brand and people join the stake pool based on the alter ego of the leader. They make that person money. I’d like to focus the sigs to fund development of a gui and easy install package/configurator for node/mining core and promote them just like stake pools. The more personalities we get running and competing to make money by running mining pools, the more hash gets spread out. This is a pretty tall order to accomplish. MGPai and I met someone who develops a Multi Chain wallet (think something like exodus). We will engage with him to see what it would take to put Ergo in there. It has ChangeNOW built into it, so that part is all done. I have an idea for a cross chain degen marketing event, need to get buy in before i talk more about it. Mike met with a publishing company on Cardano and they were impressed with this cancelable contracts and will stay in contact. Added many more people to our twitter followers and followed them as well! Spoke with a lot of people who asked the question similar to “what or why ergo?”, which in turn really helped me talk about first principles and access for all reguardless of geography, history, and socioeconomic status. The attention that the ergo node on an android tablet was very impressive to people who were miners on other projects. I spoke with a few people who hadn’t mined since ETH and liked the idea of the Sigmanauts Mining Pool DAO and might swing by chats to join up! Overall, lots of connections and networking done all while explaining the ethos of Ergo and what it stands for as well as what it’s capable of!