Sigmanauts Letter to Ergo Foundation: July 17, 2023

From: Ergo Sigmanauts

Dear Members of the Ergo Foundation, I would like to fomally propose the seed of ERGs into the sigmanauts treasury from the EF treasury in a sum no greater than the remaining balance of the current ErgoRaffle (currently around 3,700 ergs). This funding will help kickstart the Sigmanauts community driven effort to further the mission and ideals of Ergo and the Ergo Manifesto.

While it has been difficult, especially in this bear, the Sigmanuts are proving their ability to organize and execute plans on a consistent basis. Here are a few of our accomplishments:

Full on chain transparent voting system

Control and use of the original EF twitter with over 60k followers

Promotion of community dev efforts (NFT’s, Spaces/Events, Paideia, CruxFinance, Spectrum, and many more)

Helped organize the recent Ergo Summit which included: Organization and support for community videos/recordings Promotions across twitter and chats via custom graphics Partnership and funding to ErgOne for twitter competition engagement Many sigs assisted and recorded their own submissions to the summit

Fun: Creation of a sigmanuts v1 NFT

Weekly Zoom sessions of sigs and ecosystem members.

…and much more

One of our largest hurdles is that it’s immensly difficult to get people to engage and work for free. Initial plans for some of our funds will include community engagement bounties as well as making a larger precense online OUTSIDE of the ergo social group. We believe these are very important steps that are best suited at a community level and not the EF. When the Sigs community grows as a result of this it will enable us to create sub commities for marketing, treasury, SigsCore managment, and more…which in turn will allow more time to be spent on specilized topics by specialized people.

Thank you for considering this proposal, I beileve that forming a strong foundation for the sigs will allow them to fourish and reach their full potential.

cc: kushti, Joe and Mark