- qx() discussed the possibility of Sig. USD blowing up, Noah and Kushti discussed the poll in the Russian community regarding the sigmafi 200 TVL goal
- qx() discussed the 100% interest rate taken, shortage of SigUSD, and the 180 ERG additional profit if they had swapped to ERG right there from security on spectrum from that first 100% loan
- Noah discussed the shortage of SigUSD and that until the price of ERG rises and the reserves go up, no more Sig USD can be minted
- Cafe discussed the website being done and needing to transfer the application when qx makes it live
- Cafe discussed hosting a form on the website and linking it to qx()’s script
- qx() discussed on-chain voting solution for Sigma Notation and that he ‘promises’ to finish it up this week
- Discussed the possible future framework for budget, branding, and marketing
- qx() demonstrated a test multi-sig wallet that will hold these funds
- Discussed potential for utilizing Ergo platform bounties for the Sigma Notation treasury
- Discussed setting up a multi-sig treasury wallet and a community wallets with a discretionary budget
- Kushti provided an update on Dexy testing and the upcoming July 1st release
- Kushti also discussed backend/frontend modifications for LP functionality, as well as scripts for automatically transferring mining payments to remission contracts
- Kushti proposed that they will provide more details and a forum post about the project
- qx() asked if the node can be utilized with a NIPOPOW snapshot and was informed that it is possible, with aggressive settings taking 20 minutes, but not possible with an index node
- Current Node Storage is 15-16 gigs
- NIPOPOW snapshot size is 2 gigs (holy shit)
- NIPOPOW on mobile devices would need script pruning to reduce storage size every so often
- Kushti made a loan to Kenyan Cooperative using EXLE beta for (interest-free non collateral) loans
- Loans range from 1-3K, total loan volume is 20-25K
- Cooperative size is around 200 people and helps connect people
- Experiment is interesting to observe
- Brainstorming about what a segmented treasury with tipper box, community action, reward system would look like (- 3 segments of rewards system: Ziley rewards, tipper BoT rewards, and larger system of where Sigs could spend their treasury on moving forward)
- Utilizing Yasha (from spectrum) services for promotions, or for building educational tools
- Noah running Dexy Twitter, looking for ideas for content
- Read up on Angie’s new connection in chat
- Kushti working on slides for Dexy
- Noah to make those slides into bite-size shareable content
- Andre to create infographic and Twitter video about Rosen Bridge
- Keep up the social media posts to raise awareness of Dexy, Rosen, SigmaFI, Specturm YF, Paideia, GrandGambit, Satergo, etc…
Transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-bNtFG7aNbG9k4jq3uuZ89PsVbBaMm4F/view?usp=share_link
Voice: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uBznPa1vpHCxabBElns5yp5AMWTp9Nfp/view?usp=share_link