- Chris furthered the discussion from last week about EF members voting on proposals as well as the agreed upon sigcan/sigmanaut member voting.
- qx() volunteered to write a voting proposal that would not just cover this, but all large and influential groups that could come into the ecosystem. For example, broad language to allow sigmanauts to voting power as long as they adhere to the sigmanauts mission. The vote should be up soon.
- Chris brought forward some community concerns about them feeling in the dark about sigs. There was much discussion about how best to mitigate this, please look at the transcript or listen to the recording. The summary was that we need to be proactive about the different efforts that are in the Sigmanauts (full in all the way to someone simply participating in chats). If the vote for transparency and posting meeting notes public is passed, that should help a lot as well.
- Chris brought forward concerns about bad actors in the ecosystem as well as actors that are both sigs and not representing the ERGO. General consensus was that we can expect people to adhere to the sigmanauts mission statement and bring forth discussions when members feel that other members have violated these principals.
- qx() had an inquiry about a meeting time that would be more flexible for people. He will send out a link in main chat to get a heatmap on times that work best for everyone (to get more feedback than just people in the meetings).
- Seems to be a lull in voting this week even though there are many things to vote on. qx() will DM all sigs to get them to vote before some of the votes expire.
- qx() will put out a time suggestion heat map for the first twitter space. Suggested first topics include Introduce the sigs as well as discuss what the sigs are, how to join, how to follow us.
- Kill_it_with_coffee is working on making a very clear landing page for Sigcans/Sigs so that they can get a good feel for what it is to be a sig, he’s made great progress this week. The ideas is that one could visit that page as a welcome and have a full idea of what’s up, and then, can dive into the HUGE depth of material that has already been there.
- HQ is working on allowing public calendar submissions that members (some sigs or sigcans) can then approve. The display page is very attractive.
- Angie spoke about some sigmanauts possibly joining in the Contribution telegram channel to help with some editorial aspects, Kill_it_with_coffee Volunteered to test those waters.
- Angie spoke abouAt the upcoming hackathon and that Sigs should be aware to help promote it as it will be trying for a MUCH broader reach this time outside of the ergo ecosystem.
VOICE and Screenshare Recording can be found here:
Transcript is at the bottom of the agenda here: