Sigmanauts is a community that believes in a decentralized, open, permissionless and secure platform for contractual money can be an empowering and transformative force, both for individuals and society. However, technology can only be a catalyst for change. Real change comes from communities and individuals learning how to use technology to improve their lives and their relationships with one another. The Sigmanaut community both tries to create a community of users of the Ergo blockchain to explore how it can be of benefit, and they try to represent the interests of users in the larger Ergo ecosystem. We invite you to read the Ergo Manifesto, the Sigmanauts Mission Statement, and the Community Guidelines for Sigmanauts DAO documents, and if you agree with the ideas presented, consider joining Ergo’s Telegram or Discord servers and applying to join us!

The Sigmanauts make use of Paideia for treasury management, governance, and membership votes. Please take a look at current or past proposals and discussions at the links below:

Sigmanauts DAO | The current DAO in use.

Beta Sigmanauts DAO | No longer in use.

ErgoPort Voting System | Archive of votes, before Paideia.

If you would like to donate to the treasury, you can send erg, NFT’s, or tokens to this multisig wallet address.